12 Answers
Mayor: Pythonlover
Department of Defense / 5 Star General: Colleen
Judge: Bob/PKB (I hope because I'm not judgmental but because I am open-minded enough to listen to both sides before agreeing with Colleen)
Treasurer and Tax Collector: Benthere
Parks and Recreation: Country Bumpkin
Public Defender: richardjames
District Attorney: ed shank
Sheriff: Ducky
Deputy Sheriffs: Robertgrist and Grits Savage
Newspaper Editor: Eggplant
Florist: Witchway (have you seen her garden?)
Superintendent of Schools: Daren1
Building Inspector: TommyH
Justice of the Peace: Headless Man
Spiritual Advisors: friendindeed, Puran
Assessor: jhharlan
Transportation: Dowsa
Brothel Inspector: Umbriel
Librarian: Daisy (our resident author)
Animal Control and Veterinarian; Zoo Curator: Doolittle
Cat Whisperer: mycatsmom
Dept of Animal Welfare: melandrupert
Committee Chair: Voting Off the Island Committee: Fishlet
Department of the Interior: My friend, Patricia D.E.
Department of Health: lambshank
Director of Fairs & Carnivals: itsmee
Town Drunk: Bowlesy (by request)
Board of Supervisors: wonderdyke, tabber, Dollybird, linidlou, Cleveland Rick, millie111 (tie breaker: Pythonlover)
Director of Mental Health: Chiangmai
Dept. of Fish, Game, Wildlife: Ann
Mediator: Dardeigh
Nightclub Owner: Don"darling"jr
Game Show Host: clu
Technology Supervisor: Vinny
Dept. of Sanitation: Shootah (gotta have someone trustworthy and reliable)
Chief Bottle Washer and Head Cleaner: hector5559
Head Coach: digger
Hero in Tights: bulletman
Security: Ed1530, facebook, flip
Bus Driver: rtklyer
Resident Grouch: TSC (for now, anyway)
If any of the "regular" contributors have been omitted, I apologize.
12 years ago. Rating: 24 | |
How ‘bout wonderdyke, lindilou, chiangmai, jhharlan,
If any of the people lend a hand, they will also be able to do their appointed job. (If they didn’t get carried away- as in the ice cream, wine booth, or food booth.)
I will gladly give up my position of child care director. I have done that job for over 20 years. please ... Oh .... PLEASE. “Girls just gotta have fun!"
Bob/PKB: This was more fun! I hope I didn’t step on ANY toes. This question has made me late for garage sales!
i nominate myself as town drunk(part time,weekends only)
12 years ago. Rating: 20 | |
Daren for mayor.
Colleen for sheriff.
Doolittle for dog catcher.
Don for sanitary contractor.
12 years ago. Rating: 17 | |

I'd like to run the local bevvy establishment...that way if a man walks into the bar with a parrot on his shoulder...You can call me Miss Kitty, after the character in Gunsmoke. ;)
Umbriel, this is for you to help with patrons who have been remiss in returning reading materials on time.
if you collect amusing gifs in your file folder, it's funny how you eventually get to use them :)
12 years ago. Rating: 14 | |
Wanna work on the street faire. (if Bob/PKB) approves that we all do it.
Colleen: Guard with rifle in the prison tower.
12 years ago. Rating: 14 | |

Dear Clonge,
Just remember, I have the guns....fix the roof and send me lobster for dinner.
I just wanna drive the Zamboni.
12 years ago. Rating: 13 | |
I would just like to say thanks to Doolittle for coming up with that brilliant question... as I mentioned I love my work but, I would like to appoint myself as Animal welfare Officer and YES Colleen can shoot anybody and everbody if any Animals are abused or neclected
I have really enjoyed everyones responce well done
watch out Colleens has her team!
and Colleen gave me this badge!
12 years ago. Rating: 12 | |