    In a town where there is no take out or restaurant..would a population of 1500 people support a small takeoutthank you

    +1  Views: 839 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago

    4 Answers

    Perhaps.  1500 people is pretty small.  I would think a pizza place or a diner might do ok.  A lot depends on how wealthy the folks are and how often they would "eat out".  Perhaps you could ask the residents what they think???

    the first step is to ask the locals;a, do they wont and would use a take-away,;b,what sort of food.then go from there.

    The town I live in has a similar small population, there are 2 take a aways, though 1 also caters for people wishing to eat out, they both do well, fish and chips,hamburgers and wraps are popular and cheap and are a treat when it's so far from anything else, I would take the gamble, start small and see what sells, & listen to what people want, also is it on the way to anywhere else? through traffic can often generate a lot of income.

    Yeah, I think so, depending what the offerings are, i don't think you'll get rich and you won't need to advertise much since there's no competition.  If you got 10% of the 1500 per day you could make a good living, assuming you don't overdo your expenses. Keep your operating cost down. I think having something unique is a plus too, hamburgers and hot dogs people can make at home. Something unique to you that they can't get at home.


    Have any ideas on what the unique could be?

    Unique is something ~you~ come up with, i can't do it for you, then it wouldn't be unique. Perhaps something you mother taught you or your grandma?? Some dish that everyone used to say, Yummy, that is sooo good, I wish I could make that." Also, having some familiar items is good too, eventually your unique offerings will take over the standard fare. I owned a restaurant started by my parents, very successful, unique was the tempo.. They Customers could not get what we offered anywhere else, a captive market. good luck!

    Canadianfemale, home-made is a draw card,one of the shops nearby make their own mayo,salad dressings and chips (not frozen)the onions on the burgers are all caramelized (yum) everything is fresh,they sometimes run out of some things for that reason,but the food is good and people understand,perhaps choose something you know you do well and promote it

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