21 Answers
Yes, many times. My friends say to me that i am a talkative, it`s true because i speak and write to much and sometime i make a lot of mistakes. But sometime i am afraid if i offended anyone, so i try to be careful.
12 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
For age 14 you keep up with the others on this site. I think if there was a question contest you’d win ... or you’d be in the top 5. Really. (We’ve lost the rest of this conversation.)
Hmmm...I dont worry about the regulars- I guess I've been here long enough to know that someone will question a response I've made. I can also tell when a q posed by a regular is serious or just for fun. I do wonder what newcomers must think when they read some of our threads- we do (I do) have a way of wandering off topic (of course, we know one another so we can spot an inside joke, teasing, etc right away). I got a very funny response from a reg. yesterday or the day before- seems they forgot I had many animal friends. All I could do is laugh and laugh. I think we try to answer newcomer questions seriously (when warrented). Itsmee you are a true sweetheart- you have nothing to worry about!
12 years ago. Rating: 21 | |
Yes Itsmee."Nor all thy piety nor all thy wit can lure it back to cancel half a line".LOL.
The guys here are all pretty flexible.
It's one thing to say what's on your mind & another thing altogether to write it down.
12 years ago. Rating: 20 | |
12 years ago. Rating: 19 | |
I just never noticed this before.
Oh my goodness TSC.... here we go again!
And again...
Especially for you TSC...
12 years ago. Rating: 13 | |
(1) A person who engages in the same behaviors he condemns others for.
(2) A person who professes certain ideals, but fails to live up to them.
Just in case you needed the definition printed out in black and white. Sometimes you have a hard time with words.
Yep! Guilty...as you know I always write "ESSAYS"..I`M just AMAZED,(and honoured)..THAT people bother to try and make some sense of what I write!!:-)..thankyou!!!
12 years ago. Rating: 12 | |
No, but if what you say doesn't conform to the "life style" and "beliefs" of what others think here, you'll be in deep s*it.
12 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
Your world is not a very tolerant one TSC. I feel sorry for you.
Am I racist? YES
Anti GAY? NO
WHY I'M RACIST: Spent 32 years working at a job where I watched 90% of the black women who worked there have children out of wedlock. Seventy percent of them had multiple kids from different fathers. At that same job I watched lazy black men do EVERYTHING POSSIBLE they could do to do as LITTLE as possible and collect a check. (Post Office).
Then my sister was raped (NO LIE) in a Newark NJ airport parking lot by........YOU GUESSED IT.......a BLACK low life piece of sh*t that I would kill if he's not dead or in jail already. Spare me the racist lectures, I'm the way I am because I WANT to be the way I am.
As far a GAYS go? Who cares.
White people are lazy at their jobs, I know, I use to do their work and mine just to get a day at work ended.
White men have raped black women.
You are taking a few and applying what they do (things that even whites are guilty of) and applying these things to a whole culture of people. Not cool and as far as racism, racist comments and yes, even racist pictures used as avatars, they are NOT allowed on akaQA. I've already sent to the admin to have your profile picture removed. Either you remove it or they will.
...and yes, you are acting like a child throwing a tantrum because you got called on bigoted thinking and presented no facts for your words.
I'm frequently offended and put off by your endless snide remarks about people who aren't just like you. It makes it hard to accept you when you aren't berating, like Puss in Boots from Shrek who looked so sweet right before he attacked.
If you can't say something nice, at least say it with a little bit of tact.
It still does you no good to paint everyone with the same brush.
I know a white guy who killed his wife with a ball point pen while in a rage. I know a white guy who sold drugs (ectacy) to minors resulting in death... his own eventually. I know a white guy who was busted for the biggest grow-op British Columbia had ever seen at the time. I witnessed a group of white men kicking a man almost to the point of death for no reason what so ever ... I have worked in the inner city areas of two cities and witnessed white people doing very very bad things. Trash comes in all shapes, sizes and colours all around the world. It does the planet not one spit of good by applying more negative energy to the human condition.
Positive change does not come about with complaining, it comes about with energy placed in the appropriate places.
Again, I feel very sorry for you. .
Remember Marion Berry? He was a black DC Mayor who got caught in a hotel room with a hooker smoking crack.
His BLACK constituents later re-elected him
Remember OJ Simpson? Brutally murdered his wife a her friend Ronald Goldman, but despite all the evidence was acquitted of the charges. Where I worked at the time, an entire cafeteria of BLACK WORKERS erupted in joyous celebration at his acquittal. Disgusted me.
Remember the Rodney King riots? I watched on TV while a bunch of animals burned down their neighborhoods and pulled an innocent white guy (Reginald Denny) out of his truck cab and damn near beat him to death.
Remember Hurricane Katrina? The looting , murder and absolute madness of a "particular" race of people when the cops were helpless to do anything? I wonder what those people were going to do with all those sneakers they were stealing from that store?
Remember Al Sharpton and the Tawana Brawley Case? The fat load of dung did everything thing he could to incite riots and rile the natives and when it was PROVED Tawana Brawley had LIED he never ONCE apologised to prosecutor Stephen Pagonis, a man Tswana and Sharpton destroyed during the fiasco.
Now we have a HOPE AND CHANGE President who appoints an Attorney General who REFUSES to prosecute the BLACK PANTHER THUGS that were threatening voters during the 2008 presidential election. Why is that? They were on film.
Why make waves huh. We wouldn't want the poor Black Panther Guys getting angry now would we? Wake up people. Since Obama got in office race relations are 100x worse and not about to get better.
You people KNOW what I'm talking about. You can crawl under a rock and not see it for what it is but I DO. Blacks are more racist then I will EVER BE.
Open your eyes. I'm not making this stuff up. Google it.
End of discussion.
Meet part of my family, these are kids that you have painted with your broad brush as people who should be hated. Both my nephews have served time in the military, my niece is joining the Army this fall. They love their country and the people in it. They are the good people you ignore or lump into your race pot.
I am thankful to be a Canadian where we celebrate the differences.
I guess you won't be watching the Olympics then or basketball or football for that matter. Heck... all sports are out!... Well you can always drink beer.
I'll inform you when I've made one. :)
Goodnight TSC.
Remmber- Oh never mind, I give up! You're a racist.
BTW- I know no white elected official ever had sex with a hooker or used crack in office (yeah, right!)
Each side has extremely strong feelings toward the other side here.
btw: I don't want to be a moderator!! : /
Do not worry about richardjames. He has been spoken to by a moderator for over stepping his boundaries.
Thats if thatsuu.