    Do lindilou and wonderdyke need applause?

    Yes, they do. Have you seen the answers they’ve found.  I am giving a standing O & clapping my palms red.  
    Are they helping you out, Colleen? 

    +8  Views: 2644 Answers: 13 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: akaqa colleen
    Deleted User

    Crikey whats this :))) Thanks for the mention :) But I have to say there are a lot of people on here that do great research and many on here that give me a good laugh so, I thank you all xoxox

    Thanks itsmee! Kudos for all of us I I'm just havin' fun helping and being a bit of a nut-case which comes naturally as it runs in the family! Aha! Peace

    They are not helping me out. They are helping you out and anyone else who likes to play here or use the forum for advice. A lot of members avoid answering the hard questions for whatever the reasons. Without people like ROMOS, Fishlet, Country Bumpkin, Ducky, Python, Dardaigh, Bob/PKB, Lindi, WD, JH, Tommy, Shootah, Chiangmai, robertgrist, Flip, Dollybird, Ed1530, digger, nomdeplume, Jack Large and others answering those hard questions daily, akaQA would cease to exist. I appreciate everyone who tackles a question that requires research and patience to find the answer.

    If you really want to thank them and show your appreciation to them, thumbs up anyone answering the questions you yourself can not answer. ;)

    13 Answers

    Yes, very much so.


    You are up late! So am I and I feel very guilty about it. I’ll feel awful tomorrow. (Yup, complaining) Now I climb the ladder to my loft.

    Itsme, actually it it was about 6:30 am when I posted that answer. You are in a different time zone. You must be very tired, beeing up that late. Do you actually sleep in a loft, or is it just an expression for going to sleep?

    YES!  to borrow a phrase YIPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I applaud them along with Romos and fishlet,  they deserve recognition too.

    Deleted User

    Thats why I always giving them a thumbs up :P

    Without mentors like Colleen, ROMOS KOTF, Fishlet, DooLittle, dowsa,Bobby girl, eggie (where are you?), and the myriad of all of you...well I'd still be trying to figure out why the dang letters are all scrambled on my keyboard!! Is it that way for everyone or did they just see me coming??



    Yes ... yes.... yes .... it’s a fine bunch. I mentioned you and wonderdyke because at the time of my posting you two were on fire - answering math -- answering directions -- answering car repair. : )))

    And Colleen too, she also answers lots of questions.

    It depends on what time of the day you're on the 

    board to see who actually answers the questions.

    YEP..HIP HIP HORAY!!.well done:-)

    Yes they do


    Come in and give them questions to answer! I marked you as Best
    Answer ...even though some others will come along.

    They defiantly do the research. A lot of energy spent. I thank them..........


    ditto sweets!

    Two of the many members close to my heart.  


    Deleted User

    Awww thanks xoxoxo

    No, that'd not be enough.  I always give lindilou a one-man standing ovation.  


    Now I'm blushing Chiangmai!!! Thanks for the ovation!! I'm bowing...uh-oh... ;D

    hector!!!! hahahaha!!

    well done you guys and everyone who answers all those questions that keep the site going I think everyone should take bow cats for ever!!!!!


    CATS FOREVER mel!!!!!! meow! ;)

    Yes they do need applause as do many, many other regular members here who spend time searching for answers which are, at times, very difficult to find.  Applause to ALL who do that!

    Deleted User

    I think we all do it because we learn things from it I have learnt alot , some funny things some things that make me go hmmmmmm...

    You got it !!

    But for what !! LOL 

    Deleted User

    For being a cat :))))

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