    I found out that my medical insurance will not longer cover my cymbalta medication for my severe fibromyalgia because it is too expensive. $568.00 for a 3 month supply. My copay per month was $25.00

    And this is before obama care hits.  what's up the road?

    I was a nurse for 35 years before developing fibromyalgia.  I witnessed so much medicale abuse on our OB unit.  Illegals having babies for free on medicale.  Some from as far away as oaxaca.  They don't even speech spanish as they speech an indian dialect they are so deep into the hills of mexico.   a woman from an arab country having her baby here just as her mother had done 30 years ago with her.  On medicale by using a maiden name saying they are not married so therefore free to them, big bucks to the tax payers. 

    I called the welfare office only to be told it is legal.

    So many married hispanic women having mutiple pregnancies paid for on medicale by using their maiden names even though their husbands and the father of all the children present was right there.

    I know this to be fact because we had to get PKU forms filled out  (as if nurses didn't already have enough to do).  These women would innocently tell me that this is their maiden name that they use for medical insurance purposes.  I say hispanic because in my experience those were the ones I encountered for the PKU  forms except for the one arab woman.  

    +3  Views: 560 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

    2 Answers

    Medicaid fraud is rampant outside of the illegal community; your prejudice is showing (but I don't fault you). 
    My first call would be to my insurance carrier to find out what is the acceptable generic for your prescription.  
    My next call would be to the manufacturers of Cymbalta to find out how they are going to support your continued use of their medication.
    My next call would be to AARP or whatever retirement association with which you are affiliated.
    My next call would be to the state senator and/or representative to make sure their dumb, lazy asses know what's going on in the trenches.
    My next call would be to the local news station that features citizen ordeals such as this, or to 20/20...someone to work on an expose for what you, and countless others, are facing.



    Well answed Bob,how are your Doggies,?

    They be well. My son is a Gemini; on one hand, no one could give them more care and attention; one the other, what a jerk attitude.

    You can try Partnership for Prescription Assistance( PPA) Phone Nr. 1-888-477-2689. They might be able to get your precription at a reduced price, or free, depending on your income.

    There is so much waste and fraud in our medical system and our drugs are much more expensive in the US, than in any other country.  By law, anyone who walks in a hospital and needs to be treated or having a baby, cant be turned down.

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