    typical white woman?

    Or was it typical white person that obama used to describe his white grandmother.   Why has that never been brought up again as an extremely offensive racist remark.

    I was offended and outraged when I heard he had said that.  Am I mistaken that he said that.?

    +6  Views: 1198 Answers: 11 Posted: 12 years ago

    i dont find either comment offenceive he's 1/2 white so he can say it cuz you know he's one of us...... now if he was driveing the mean streets of mane or even worse the ghettos of vermont then the shit would hit the just jokeing but i do admire your uninhibbited impassioned questioning of something that seemed hurtful as i always say there are no dumb questions
    only rediculouse mis-understandings. keep asking

    11 Answers




    Dreadlocks your thing ?

    Nah man.

    I couldn't find any such quote.  You heard/read this where?



    You might want to check things out here...

    Thanks Flip.

    There are 100 things that question Obama's, birth, younger life, relatives, associations, book comments and on and on and on.

    Why don't we get answers to THESE simple questions?

    We won't because OBAMA is the Main Stream Media's Man!

    Why would they EVER question ANYTHING that's not going to put this man in a positive light?

    Now, if FOX NEWS decided to ask a question on the above matters, they would be classified as RADICAL, FAR RIGHT LOONS looking to bring our beloved President down.

    I report, you decide. Your not going to see ANYTHING, ANYWHERE on NBC, CBC, ABC, NPR, MSNBC, LIBERAL TALK SHOWS, MOVIES or anywhere ELSE if it doesn't put President Obama in a positive light.

    This people, is why me and 100 million other people are absolutely disgusted with Main Stream Media.

    If George Bush was photographed picking up and empty beer can thrown onto his lawn the night before, the s*um bags at the New York Times would have showed the picture with the title "GWB, FALLS OFF THE WAGON" on the next mornings front page.

     %$$#%$# Hypocrites!!!!!!!!!!


    Methinks that when TSC spouts off, yells, and swears, it's b/c he's had one too many beers.

    Nah, back pain. :(


    This is the first time I heard of this. I'm not political by nature but, I hear the gossip and I figure that's what this is......

    I believe he called her a Honky.


    Now are you positive about that? lol

    National Enquirer.

    Phat Honky- LOL

    Phat Honky...National Enquirer.

    Thanks. I love reliable info.

    The ONLY reliable rag. ...although last week's Elvis Comeback Canadian Summer tour story raises some suspicion.

    I'm on my way to Burger King! See ya' there.

    Oh digger Elvis is alive and well and quite a bit thinner...His tour starts in the East- St Johns, Nova Scotia, Montreal, Toronto and slowly moves west into aka territory.

    Well,I'm still not entirely sold on the rumour. As my many religious friends would say, "I'll see it when I believe it"


    Although he hasn't admitted it, I think he might be related to the guy on the cover of Mad Magazine...and this left me offended and outraged also. I noticed his resemblance the other day as I was cashing in K-points at K-Mart when I spotted his old election poster on the wall.


    I think I might even be flabbergasted too...but only time will tell in these instances! It might even be grounds for impeachment!

    Which brings up the question of just what IS your definition of a "typical white woman"???
    Besides which, I hate that term: WHITE.  Is "Caucasian" just too hard to spell? 


    Yes. Too hard to spell. That is why I check the Other category on all demographic questions...let them guess!

    Very clever. I think I shall duplicate that practice.

    PK, they say white, b/c we don't say Negro too much. We say black.

    Bob- be prepared for some snivelling...some peeps don't like it when one checks the "other' category. You will get 'but you are white (etc)...I tell them that I only look that way- it's amazing how confusing that is to people- LOL

    Once I crossed off the "White" and wrote in "Caucasian". You'd have thought I'd threatened the security of the free world (Orange alert at least).
    I have compared my skin to a piece of cotton, binder paper, and other typically "white" things. I am so NOT white....
    I'm going to do it anyway. I have ancestors from Armenia, which is part of Asia. Imagine if I mark THAT....which I have done at times. I avoid those things when given the option.

    I avoid them or just..well, lie, I'm a multimillion- heiress, and if I got enough freckles I could easily be mistaken for hispanic, I live on a Yacht, and have 27 dogs, 52 cats, 17 cows, and a Prized goat named Exavier T Goat the First and Only.

    This election will be dirty! There will be more misquotes and spins than you can imagine, lies and propaganda (same thing) I see more and more trash on the www, people have way too much time on their hands so they make up lies and some are very good at graphics and can make a video or still look original.  In the past elections, I saw much more trash coming from the left and not as much from the right.. This election I have already seen equal from both sides.  I believe that in the past more people on the left sat in front of their computer as they had more jobs that are computer sensitive, today, people on the right are using computers more and more and with the smartphone, even more and more people are online posting crap.. Either side.  Just beware of what you hear and see, most of it is probably home spun and not real. and don't look for the real message from the media either because they spin just as bad.. we ar left to our own common sense and research.. Don't be a lemming and a follower, know who and what you are voting for, its not a popularity contest nor is it a social thing to do.. It's your civil duty to vote but in America its also a privilege. Don't vote for the party or the man, please!!  Understand the issues and vote for that!

    His grandmother, on his mother's side was white. I don't understand what your question is, hic

    hic, your comment is naive and it doesn't make any sense.  Why would a grandson make a derogatory remark against his own grandmother?  You just wanted a reason to call him a racist.  Good try.  


    What's typical? apple pie, tinned spaghetti, (my mum couldn't cook) white or black, nothings typical and no one should generalise


    Too right!:-0

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