3 Answers
Don`t rush into having kids is my advice....no one often thinks the whole thing through!....Live your life a bit first...cos once a baby comes along..lovely and precious as they are..(And I wdnt be w/out mine....but Once you have a baby...you`re life changes so completely!!..it`s relentless,selfless never ending work,love and worry...all `i`m SAYING IS YEP HAVE THEM AND LOVE THEM!...Just take your time!...I`m glad I did!!:-)
12 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
You look very young. Are you at least 18 years or older? Do you have a husband or a mate that will be there fully committed to being the other parent and sharing the duties? Do you have a good stable home of your own? Savings in the bank to take care of your share of the bills while you're out of work on maturity leave? Does your mate have income to cover a family or do you pay 1/2 and if you do, do you have a job that understands mothers needing to leave work early to handle a problem with the child? A lot of women lose their job because of this. As Millie said, babies are extremely demanding. They are 24/7 care and no getting out of the house for mom to play. Those days are gone once the little bundle arrives. They are a full time commitment and your life, wants and needs get put on the shelf until they are 18 years old.
Now, how soon do you really think you want to have a baby?
12 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
Also you`ll no doubt be spending EVERY penny that you get/??Dime;-?..on your kids...An example of just for school uniform in September..I`ll be lucky to be paying less than £2000 PER child ..and that`s without any extra activity kit they may need!!PLEASE THINK HARD!!!:-0...All best wishes,Millie xx