    can you fall back in love with someone who once abused you but has now changed?

    +3  Views: 1657 Answers: 18 Posted: 12 years ago

    18 Answers

    He will treat you like a Goddess until he "has you" again. Then he will become the monster you knew before. It's extremely rare that an abuser changes. It takes long years of counseling and medication to control their moods. Has your ex done this? If no, then he is just playing the manipulation game to get you back into his world where he can abuse you again. Don't fall for his ploys. There are better men than him out there in the world. Go find one without anger or control issues. 

    You can fall in love all you want but stripes don't change on a zebra. Move on from a bad situation.......


    I sure agree with you, jhharlan. I think I always do. I haven’t looked at the other three answers below to see if everyone is in agreement.

    You are a breath of fresh air to me. Thank you, @itsmee. I feel much better now.....

    : ) u2, julie (What do you like to be called?)

    I'm Julie.......

    1 out of every 10 men will change.  Move on. 


    That many??

    Yeah! I was thinking the same.. that many?? I totally disagree, maybe one in 1,000 but I would even doubt that. While it is true that an abusive 'person' changes, it comes only when death is beckoning-- Even non-believers question their life on their deathbed.

    No But...


    I have been there. Move on and dont look back. An abuser will always be an abuser.


    Me too!:-¬

    Keep yourself safe, be realistic, pick up your dignity and keep walking, whats in the past should remain there, and believe me by re visiting this situation it will all be back to the way it was,don't look back

    GET A LIFE .YOU don't  look "Crazy . But are you ?

    I don't believe an abusive person will ever change regardless of what he may tell you.  Women that stand by these abusive B/F or husbands have a serious mental disorder-- There's too much information on this to go into it here but the guy can't help himself, he is a sick puppy too. You need to get a grip and forget him as a bad dream but your kind never listens tofacts, they always say: "he has changed' or in your case, 'he's changed'.  believe me, once he is convinced he has you where he wants you will go through the abuse again--I can only hope that when you do, you would think back at this post and realize that you were warned.  Whatever good he has going for him has you trapped, whatever it is you can find it elsewhere.  You don't need to live in fear and walk on eggshells in a relationship and certainly you should not ask this question.. Move on, don't look back because when you  make that eye contact, it'll start all over again.

    good luck, make the right decision.

    You kinda look like maria schriver but your are prettier.. :)

    Kelly, please read everything that has been written!  Especially what Colleen wrote!

    Yes although if it is it wise or not ,is a thing is impossable to answers,

    Almost total agreement.  What do you think, Kelly?

    That is one of the most common mistakes victims of abuse make, they believe their abuser has changed...and then it starts all over! Move on and find someone who will treat you right. can be crazy and take him back...but next time he may well kill you !...I hope you don`t have kids on the scene...I don`t believe they EVER change!!:-(...but then i never hung around after the first punch to find out!!! :-(


    I went the Mrs, Gullible route only once...took him back...within a few weeks...there it was...all over again but worse...offered to kill the lot of us...and THAT'S when I took the opportunity to skeedaddle with the babies intact!!! Bullies! Line 'em up...I know what to do with 'em....damn.

    @Lindi...Yes...often SO hard to leave..especially with all the pleading,begging,redemption drama...but all credit to you for getting the hell out and you and your family safe!!XX

    Allot of victims, specially those who are abused in there childhood, where damaged for life. How can one love such a person? Forgive ok to clear your heart, but love?

    I'm almost positive you could fall in love again with someone who is abusive. But why would you want to, or put yourself in the situation where that might happen? Why would you want to get close enough to someone who has hurt you so much you call it abusive?
    Julie is right...a zebra doesn't change its stripes, a leopard doesn't change its spots, and an abusive person is only going to be able to control himself for just so long.  
    I married a chronic cheater, thinking things would be different with me because we had children together.  Nope. 


    Thank You, Phyl.....

    Start running, and  dont look back. You deserve much better, Good luck. Every one has given you the best advice.


    Head for the hills baby!!!!

    Why would you want to ?????

    If that is actually your picture Kelly ......  I'd spend my time looking for a prince  ....  not a ... whatever.


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    Thank you.



    Yes she can but it's not advisable.....

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