    LOOKING FOR ADVICE HELP - Please read my story.

    local hospital somehow should be held accountable for mistreating me in ICU and i need a lawyer. Please help

    male is only person i can honestly say I KNOW hurt me) while in ICU. somehow i asperating fluid into my lungs causing me to passout. Husband says he found me three hrs afterwards. Spent a few days in ICU on ventalator. kidneys shut down, muscles deteriating due to lack of oxygen, I was in grave danger of dying. Sadly some days i wish i had. Am i making too much out of nothing?? Do i need to grow up and get a life? Objective opions as well as help to sue is what i am asking for.


    male nurse and another turned me from my belly to my back. he grabbed my right wrist placing his thumb on inner side of wrist while someone else twisted my right leg by holding my ankle next issue is i was not allowed off my bed for the entire inpatient. Staff treated me horribly i was feeling i wasnt wanted i wanted desperatly to go to another hospital or home and was threatened that if i do the cops will bring me back. i was never told how they are able to do that but later was told a 24hr phsyciatric hold allowed it to happen. I was not in hospital for suicide i asperated fluid in to my lungs. Pottstown hospital also changed me in front of male and female sitters. sitters are used in suicide hospitalizations which is fine but i did not try to kill myself. My self esteem was nil after being humiliated when night staff aids allowed a teenager who i know, kid, boy, to sit on my right. he was wedged between the curtain and my bed rail. No one asked this kid to leave or go elsewhere whil they ripped off my gound etc cleaning me up. NO ONE. i was not able to look at this kid and today (dec 2-1 3, 2012) July 13 i have no enthusiasm to go out. Thats just the short story which is true, i would like to tell asking anyone,

    i want this publicized, i expect a hospital to be held responsible, hospital personel i spoke with were appolled and appologized, sincerely. What suprised me is they did not react with suprisement. Weird. Its as if it happens all the time and the staff was really saying, yeah, i know but we can't help yoou. I was told their headquarters is in Tennessee. It seems attorneys dont want to get involved. Is it because its not worth the time due to money? Am i worthless? its just getting to be more and more disappointment. Yes, i am ready to just say the hell with it. No i dont want to but my outcome from physical turning is R hand middle, pointer and thumb are fuzzy and knumb still - my right leg i am finally able to walk on now. It feels like its out of socket. i keep having my husband yank it. phoenixville hosp diagnosed me with

    Di-ver-ku-tily-itis. i had surgery in march for bowel resection. Dec thru march this yr, i was in 3 hopitals, rectal bleeding caused me to go to another hhopital er, i had less than 1 pint of blood left, i was pale and told if i leave i will die. Yep, thats what the result was after release from pottstown hosp. jan3 or so.

    CAN ANYONE HELP ME? I DO WISH TO KNOW YOUR OPINION . NORTHEAST PA, BOUT 30 miles from Phila is where i reside. 55yrs old. woman.

    0  Views: 2026 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: help

    4 Answers

    "It seems attorneys don't want to get involved". 

    This sounds odd to me as attorneys always want to get involved if they believe they have a legitimate case.  Exactly how many attorneys have you contacted and exactly what is their response to you?

    The treatment you received was not only poor, but negligent, I would seek a written apology from the hospital administration (therefore admitting mistakes were made) and if there are ongoing repercussions with your health due to the treatment you received, be they physical or psychological  take the letter to another attorney 

    I realize most people will tell you that you should go after those that treated you that way. But, first and foremest, everything depends on whether or not you would be physically up to it. That's most likely most important, now and in the future.

    If you are talking lawsuits, they tend to drag on, and can even seem to suck the life out of you. They require hard evidence beyond just an allegation...and it is definitely not like any of them are ever going to admit to anything! But also, what everyone but the victim forgets, is that it makes you re-live bad events...when perhaps you should be working on putting them behind you and getting on with your life once again.

    No...I know that's not the ideal answer many people would put forth. But, it is one that looks at life on life's terms; knowing what we can and cannot change, and having the wisdom to know the difference. The big question is: what can we do today, and can we withstand the rigors of all it will demand of us?

    Me, I would consider talking with a news reporter, with the possibility of airing a segment on that kind of treatment in a hospital, getting other people to come forward with you. If your sole focus is wanting to create change, many voices are heard better han one, in many instances including starting an organization for humane treatment of patients, or a class action suit. Hope this gives you some clarity in regards to how might like to consider approaching this matter.

    You did not tell us what you were treat it for, I cannot give information when we hear only one side of the story. Sorry there isn't much we can do to help you in this case.My understand some patient are not always cooperative.They cannot make rule for every bad behavior, or miss conduct.

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