    Elderly, would you like to hear how Obamacare will affect you?

    Do any of you want to know what it will really cost to implement this tax and how much it will cost the taxpayer since it IS a tax bill and NOT so much a health insurance? I am not offering the video so you can donate money, you can ignore that part. I am offering the video because it mentions the key issues with this tax bill that I have been saying right along.

    Click here to listen to a short video and explanation of key negatives to this measure>> 


    +2  Views: 1622 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: obamacare

    THINK! Why are so many politicians from BOTH parties against this tax bill? Why are so many jumping the Obamacare ship and now standing against it?

    Remember, Obamacare is NOT healthcare. It is dictatorship. It dictates the health insurance companies and it dictates the civilians. It forces them to buy what the government feels is adequate health insurance. If a person makes 30K per year, then no matter what bills are already coming out of that 30K, he still has to buy healthcare that reflects 7% of his monthly pay (before taxes). Most Americans are already living pay check to pay check. So what bill will they have to stop paying on in order to afford healthcare? Mortgage? Car payment (the car they need to go back and forth to work with)? Food for the kids? Clothing for the kids? Anything for the kids? THINK! This is DICTATORSHIP!!!!!!!!!!!! No matter how much it's doctored up to look like a good thing, it is NOT. It will cause more unemployed when the insurance companies fail due to being forced to charge lower premiums and forced to cover all the hypochondriacs in the USA. Those people are a drain on the system and will suck up the profits. It will call for cut back to the staff to cover the loss and then possible cause the company to shut down because of demographics and the fact that they just can not afford to stay in business.

    Looking into the future, (YES Richard, I can do that!) People will not be able to afford over the counter medicines because, wait for it.......if medical equipment can be taxed now, why not over the counter meds? It WILL go there, meds will be taxed. So, you may as well go to the doctor for a band aide because that's the only way you will get one and only pay the tax on it, your insurance will cover the $5 that band aide costs.
    Obamacare is a huge tax burden being forced on the American people under the guise of healthcare reform. This is not healthcare reform. This is a disaster and only the gullible will believe in it.

    You will be forced to buy insurance or pay a fine. If you do not pay the fine, you go to jail. Welcome to the new America. Dictatorship.

    1 Answer

    Colleen, everyone should see that video, copy it and send it to several; friends as well.

    In addition you should repost it every several days to insure it remains available to other ASK posters who my not generally look at the ANSWERED portion of this forum.




    I can bump it if needed. Even with this video, there will be those who will refuse to believe the hidden agenda in Obamacare.

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