    I just asked a question which was kind of long but it dissapeared so I will get to the point, I just reported to my bank that funds were taken out without my consent by ATM anyway, they made me feel like I was the "perp" who did this. I felt so embasrresed that I just wanted to drop this complaint, which would be so stupid on my part. I have a great relationship with this bank but why do they treat people this way? I feel like I have to prove "without a reasonable doult" that this occured. Has a

    Thanks guys, It just happened again, I went on the website to find out how I could transfer money into another debit card (just came in the mail) and the person said it would take 2-3 days for it to post and by the way the money that we put back into your account may be taken back out if our investigation is not in your favor. Well I went ballistic, I said first of all that is not what I called you about the subject was transfor of funds and you had no right to comment on it. She also said that the papers that were sent to my "email" must be sent back ASAP or we will take the money out, I said my email!!!! I was told that papers were to be mailed to me because I do not have a printer and I received an email stating just that and confirming my address, I also said that I think that the date on those papers should be changed because she said they were emailed to me on the 8th, so that would just give me less time. she refused. I am so stressed by the way people are treated. My SSDI check goes in to there bank for the last 3 plus years and they are giving me attitude!!! I just do not understand.Your answers were great maybe someone will have some more, Thanks so much guys you are awesome  Fran.

    0  Views: 713 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago

    4 Answers

    Fran;  I probably can't help you in any way what so ever as I am a ceramic artist who lives in Canada... I can say, Go back to the bank and speak to someone higher up than the teller.  If you travel all the way up the ranks with your complaint and nothing happens contact the head office of your bank.  There are cameras above the atm machines... surely something can be done for a loyal customer.

    Good Luck.

    Go fight for your rights, and now.


    Love this!!! ;)

    That’s a nightmarish story you tell there. Hmmmm. I don’t do the family banking but I just hate it when I return a blouse that has a tear or a button missing and the clerk gives me attitude. Your situation is so much worse! Be persistent. I believe the bank is supposed to protect  you when something like this happens. (California) If someone got hold of your credit card and you reported it right away you are not supposed to be responsible for those transactions except for the first $50. If you make a phone call to your bank, be sure and get the name of who you are talking to. Also, try to take another person with you when you do any further business with this bank. (I’d probably take a policeperson. My “advisor” tells me that this isn’t necessary at this point. 

    You are in the right. Don’t let them bully you. You’ll get more answers and I tell you together we will help you solve this deplorable problem. : )  Keep us informed.


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