    Is your pet afraid of thunder and lightening?

    It's raining quite a bit right now and my 100 pound dog is hiding behind furniture......

    +5  Views: 1332 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago
    country bumpkin

    We got a good rain here today as well.

    We are having a good ole fashioned West Coast heat wave right now babies!! And the haze in the upper skies from the forest fires in Siberia is weird and makes the moon all big and red!! This after about 4 months of rain... YAY! (sorry) ;D

    Yes, all my dogs were afraid of thunder and lightening and so am I.

    6 Answers

    My little dog is afraid of thunder. He can't sit still during a storm.

    country bumpkin

    Julie i found a really nice picture of Austin I wanted you to see but it would not work on here. Sorry.

    When I had my dogs out on the prairies where there are tornadoes, hail storms and Gods Bowling Thunder and Lightening...they would get really nervous...but I would  watch the storms sitting on the old Desoto...and they would calm down and watch...however...when the storm was over the farm...they would try to climb into my lap...two Pitbulls and a Golden Lab my lap...whining and lick lick licking our faces....on a 1952 pearl white Desoto out on the Canadian I miss my dogs now...le' weep...

    my dog was also, the vet gave me some light sedatives which I would give as soon as a thunderstorm, or fireworks were about to begin.  He would be happy to lie in his crate and sleep during it all, he was much healthier without the stressors. 

    <------- Max is not afraid as long as he's with me and the thunder is not extremely loud. He does however, get very nervous if he hears a bang like a gun shot.

    They get it from their owner......



    I'm not afraid.....

    So am  I.


    this is why God invented covers and pillows....

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