    I have been watching the news on the t.v and we seem to have a lot of dishonest bankers and politicians,do you have any suggestions for there safe disposal.

    like nuclear waste i think they should be kept safely stored for a long time ,but where? 

    +1  Views: 508 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    5 Answers

    Yes, do not re-elect anyone currently in office, over the next several primary elections.  

    That will get the message out to them all and you can  still support the party of your choice.

    Besides think of the millions of dollars we will save in pensions and benifits for years to come




    the problem is the damage is already done by then..
    Jack Large

    At least we can prevent it from getting worce.

    Hell we can't shoot them ;)


    if you say so.

    The "W/Bankers" will always bounce back,just like the politicians. They are all crooks, and WE pay their wages. They make me puke.


    you and me to

    Our country is run by big corporation and big financial institutions. They lobby in Washingnton, spending millions of dollar in exchange for campaign contributions. The buy our polititians,

    What needs to happen, is to change the law, whereby big corporations and financial institutions, are not allowed to contribute to campaigns, except for us, the people. We would have a better, more honest government


    i agree ,big corporations run us not the government

    Try Back Yard


    and ruin the grass

    Send them to the South Pole, and put a freeze on their activities!!!! lol


    that would freeze my activities for sure.

    I know it would save me money, also perhaps cuts to the essential services, i.e police, jail staff and my place of employment,hard enough job without without a financial kick up the a**e!!

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