    do you think i will ever be a chef thats my dream

    +2  Views: 687 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    6 Answers

    Yes work hard, and if that's what you want to be make it happen. You can be anything if you want it enough.

    Absolutely! Dream it and it will be. I went on a picnic when I was about 14. I was raised a single child. The family next to our table had about eight kids. That’s exactly what I wanted Ten Kids. Time went by and some things changes. Mainly, my husband said TOO EXPENSIVE. My college counselors said “No money” in for preschool teachers. So the dream happened eventually. I took care of other peoples’ fire-hydrand sized kids. It was hard. It was good. The best. I did other things too ... but the best PRESCHOOL.

    Keep your mind on the goal. Interview chefs. Dine at many restaurants. Take notes. You will do it. 



    millie111 that takes some doing!!....BTW...Six kids on the way to you as we speak!!LOL..3..MINE ARE WELL BEHAVED..MY sister`s need some working on...I think you are the lady for the job!!;-) XX

    You can no doubt make your dream ..your reality!..Study hard,work hard..long long hours in the kitchen..under high pressure but if you can contemplate that..then why not?...(i don`t know what age you are but you could always try for work experience in a restaurant..eaterie...great experience and may be a way in to training)!

    Very Good Luck,millie x

    I am a YES YES YES!!! You can do it too...just love the food and making it all come together looking and tasting great!! This is a good goal...everyone loves the cook!! :)


    I`M A Michelin star..Microwave chef!!...Does that count??!:-)

    Actually microwave cookery is an art in itself!! My sister is a great one for producing amazing dishes from that little radio-wave gatherer!! :)

    Absolutely! Dream it and it will be. I went on a picnic when I was about 14. I was raised a single child. The family next to our table had about eight kids. That’s exactly what I wanted Ten Kids. Time went by and some things changes. Mainly, my husband said TOO EXPENSIVE. My college counselors said “No money” in for preschool teachers. So the dream happened eventually. I took care of other peoples’ fire-hydrand sized kids. It was hard. It was good. The best. I did other things too ... but the best PRESCHOOL.

    Keep your mind on the goal. Interview chefs. Dine at many restaurants. Take notes. You will do it. 



    If you think you can, then you will be . Go to a culinary school for starters. Even some community colleges, like the one near me, have reknowned culinary schools.

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