    How does cat euthanasia work?

    When I first got her from the SPCA five years ago she was up-to-date with her shots and she was spayed

    +1  Views: 1293 Answers: 9 Posted: 12 years ago

    I think I'm going to have to have her euthanized. Will the vet require the shots before he/she does euthanasia. I'm writing this on the off-chance that someone works for a vet. : *( sad

    9 Answers

    Modern methods for euthanasia of unfortunate pets is done in a humane and respectful manner itsmee using a hypodermic needle and shaving the forearm/leg to accomodate the shot. The animal succumbs quickly and appears to simply fall asleep...hence the terminology "putting to sleep". Sorry you have to make this decision itsmee...been there, done that.  Sorry for you and for kitty.


    I will think of it tomorrow ... or the next day ... or the next ... You know. I know.
    She usually sits on my bookcase and swats me with her paw as I walk by. She does not use nails. She means well. She’s just greedy for affection. She hasn’t been on her book case for a long time. : ( She hides in the closet and doesn’t eat.

    How is she now my girl?? Sounds like an elderly cat...cats tend to be really resilient and it could be anything...about the only pro-bono work vets will do is spaying and neutering...ask at the SPCA if there are any vets in your area who may help for the cost of meds only but be careful there because sometimes there are substitute meds at the pharmacy (talk to a pharmacist for free!)that are more economical! Good luck babe.

    I want to say here that I appreciate all who have responded to my question. I left out some information as it seemed personal and hurtful to me when I wrote it. I want to assure you all that the cat will be seen by the vet and this matter will be taken care of in the best way.
    The End

    Good luck with her honey!! :)

    What is wrong withyour cat? Are you going to put her to sleep without going to a Vet to see if she can be saved?  Maybe there is something that can be done . I have had cats all my life and I love them dearly.


    I have had cats all my life too. Of course I’ll take her to a vet but the chances are slim.

    If your cat is sick enough for you to be talking about euthanasia, isn't it time for a trip to the vet anyway?

    I would wait until you have taken her to the vet, they may be able to help her get better. If they can't they will explain what will be best for the cat.

    I think your best bet is to call your local vets and ask. You may find one willing to risk it. I'm assuming you cat does not have a vet? 


    Great, you took out everything you posted before. Why? 

    5 years ago is the same as never having a rabies shot. 


    I was trying to put tags and the words just slipped away.

    Colleen: I’d like to give lindilou “best answer” Is that my decision ... or yours?
    It’s important to word questions properly.


    Apolgies for getting that post so confused. I meant this: “It is important for ME to get MY questions worded properly."

    I would just take the cat to a 24 hour vet hospital and if they ask just say you found the cat not too long ago.

    I will suggest to take your cat to a pet doctor.

    itsmee- the last 3 times I needed to send a pet to Heaven I have been allowed to hold my friend(s) while they delivered the 'Heaven' shot.  It meant a great deal to me to be able to hold and pet my best friends while they died.

    I am sorry if this is what needs to be done.  Perhaps a family member or friend can come along??? 

    I just found a home for a very little stray kitten..I wish we lived closer.  If you want a new 'baby' adopting from the SPCA, Humane Society, or another rescue group is a nice thing to do.  Lots of kittens this time of year!

    It sounds like you are jumping the gun on this. Obviously, it's time for a trip to the vet; 5 years with no immunizations?  Planning to euthanize without looking at alternatives?   Your cat deserves the same considerations as any other member of the family, if not more, as (s)he has no voice in the matter. 


    It is a god-awful feeling to not be able to afford meds or treatment for our pets in this money hungry world...I advised her to talk to a pharmicist before filling any prescript because often there are more economical substitutions. Also to check around for that one Veterinarian that may help at a minimal cost. What a shame. I went thru this for 4 years with our gorgeous Nikita Dances on Bears.She is allergic to grains and pollen...from everything. Cat meds were up to 150 bucks twice a year...I recently spoke at length for free to a pharmacist who produced a chart with all substitute meds...cost me 6.95 plus tax!!! WTH???

    I forgot to mention that last year I almost put her down as she looked so bad...she suffered terribly and we were at our wits' end trying to figure out what was wrong...when the Doc finally figured it all out we wept like the little girls we are with relief Bob...utter relief as we do love her with all our hearts and souls. Peace friend.

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