    Gordon Moss seems to be the World's Greatest Network Marketer--who is he really?

    0  Views: 1971 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    ( February 19, 2008 -- What You Should Know About Gordon Moss The World's Greatest Networker

    You might receive a phone call from someone inviting you
    to meet Gordon Moss. If you are not familiar with Gordon Moss
    here are some important things to know:

    Gordon Moss lives in West Bloomfield, Michigan. Gordon Moss can be reached at 248-624-8912.

    Gordon Moss answers his phone 24/7/365. Gordon Moss has worked almost 4 years without a day off. Gordon Moss is the world's greatest networker. Gordon Moss had his secretary record his voice mail.

    Some other important items about Gordon Moss:

    Gordon Moss believes that more health problems can be cured through the power of cheese.
    Gordon Moss believes research causes cancer in lab rats. Gordon Moss believes you should only drink root beer on Thursdays. Gordon Moss believes apple pie is American - and only communist will argue against that. Gordon Moss loves to eat corned beef. Gordon Moss if you have an iron deficiency you should hire a maid. Gordon Moss prefers french maids. Gordon Moss wants to ski in Finland. Gordon Moss thinks Russia is important. Gordon Moss thinks vodka is cool. Gordon Moss says that the average beaver lives longer that ill beavers. Gordon Moss believes this is an under realized fact. Gordon Moss says people should read a book a week. Gordon Moss says just take action. Gordon Moss thinks people are mostly ignorant about how the world really works. Gordon Moss used to be a race car driver - that was last night. Gordon Moss can't wait to see what happens tonight when he goes to sleep.

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