    Can love grow from lust?

    This article says it could.  Do you agree?




    +3  Views: 1096 Answers: 10 Posted: 12 years ago

    10 Answers

    One of the first things that draws us to other people is our sexual response.
    But because lust responds to abstract characteristics of the other,
    we might find simple sex a deficient basis for an on-going relationship.

    Parallel to our sexual responses we also find ourselves 'falling in love'.
    This emotional response has deep roots in our Western culture.
    But romantic love is also a deficient basis for a meaningful relationship.

    Beyond lust and love, it is still possible to create relationships
    based on the persons we are inventing ourselves to be.
    Beyond our sexual and emotional responses,
    we can love freely and creatively.



    Huh? I think I need another cup of coffee, ROMOS.
    I understand that last sentence of yours and I do agree with it.

    I'll take that as a "probably Yes".




    It sure did for me and he. : )

    I believe that a certain chemistry is a good foundation

    for a lasting relationship. The chemistry can be either

    physical or psychological. Certainly, some of our drives

    are instinctual but we can decide on a conscious level

    how we want to respond. Many of our decisions in life

    are made from stored memories, whether they be good,

    bad or indifferent.

    Yes, love can grow from lust.

    I believe so, had it not been for this basic primal desire I wouldn't have ended up with my first husband of 17 years and our 2 children, neither of us had any delusions, we were both young and marriage or a permanent relationship was certainly not a consideration, it was just a natural process that grew until we wished to share our lives together, ended now, but no regrets for either of us and we still remain on friendly terms  

    Lust is desire gone out of control, love could be controlled desire so sure maybe it's possible.!

    Lust is like having a key to an amusement park, but having no idea what is just around the corner. Love is, by comparison, like owning the world and being mutually respectful of one’s mutual responsibility and adoration. 

    Lust is fun, especially when reciprocated.  
    Love is more than fun, especially when reciprocated.
    It's entirely possible. 

    And I quoteth..."If a woman has sex with a man, he might not only buy the cow but love the cow, as well."   Ahhh...nice to see that misogyny is still alive and well and perpetuated by modern day journalists.....

    As for the love to lust thing??? Hogwash...this too shall pass....!    ;D


    Oh,come on, missy..fess up...ya know ya lust after's those big feet...

    Y'know what they

    :P :D ;) :)

    Hmmm...not sure if love comes from lust- but babies do!

    Sure...whether anyone wants to admit it or not, most relationships have a little lust fueling things on some level...otherwise life would be a terribly dull thing when it came to them.

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