    What causes very low blood pressure?

    At the doctor yesterday I registered 107/65,Today I registered 99/64.The Doctor suspects thyroid problems.Any thoughts?

    +3  Views: 1634 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    6 Answers

    Could be thyroid. I take kidney medication that keeps my BP low. I don't mind. Have your blood checked for any possible thyroid problems, I'm sure your doctor already ordered this.....


    Yep,he did.Thanks Julie.(I still feel like crap)

    Thanks for the link Julie.It's an interesting read.The more I read the more convinced I am of the thyroid condition.We'll find out on Monday.

    Thyroid. Take a pill, get all better, it's easy....

    Tommy Boy, I think your meds was what was causing your low B/P.  Also, if you're real skinny, that could cause it. I had quite a low B/P when I was in my 20s, b/c I was very skinny, and didn't get enough sleep, had a stressful job that started too early in the morn.....and I smoked, but not heavily .; had just experienced my fiance' backing out of marriage. He was to back out of it a 2nd time. and the years would tell that he was a lying sociopath who never got married. Anyway, when I  had a very low b/p one morning at work, the other nurses told me to drink tea.......that would raise it. So , I did. Maybe coffee or tea would keep your  B/ P  up. Hope all goes well.


    Thanks Mycatsmom.I think it's a symptom of the flu I've had for the past 2 weeks.I've been on the meds for 10 years & never had the problem before.We'll get the bloodwork back on Monday.maybe that will tell a story.

    Hi, Tom...I've just been reading about low blood pressure

    and the two things that I gleaned from the article were,

    some peope have low blood pressure on really hot days

    and to keep well-hydrated. I'm sure your doctor will have

    it sorted for you soon enough but in the mean time take it




    Thanks Dardaigh.It's freezing here coz it's the middle of winter.Keeping hydrated is a good idea.I'm trying but it's hard.They have taken me off my prostate medicine because it drops blood pressure.So the more I drink the more I pee.It's like a viscious circle.LOL.

    Oops, I forgot about our Australian cousins having winter just now.

    Taking you off the meds might partly account for feeling "off" or tired but all those trips to the loo must be tiring, too. LOL

    Try not to worry too much, Monday's not far off.

    Yeah it doesn't help being off the meds.Roll on Monday!

    Sometimes the lack of excitement in life could be the cause.

    Wait a minute.  I just read your blood pressure.  It's quite low, Tommyh.


    It is low.I feel like dropping off to sleep even while I'm typing this.I have to wait 'til Monday to get the results of my bloodwork.ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!

    Check your Body Mass see if you are regular healthy meals..keep your fluids up!...Check with GP that Your blood sugar levels are within limits and that you are not anaemic.....Check out any side effects of any medications that you may be taking!...please see Gp IF any doubts! :-)

    Good luck,millie x

       salt and stress,

    may cause fainting  dizzy spells, hypotension is one symptom of shock  following serious,injury and blood loss it really comes from a lot of  othere things..


    Thanks for your input.Dizzy is right.I feel like my head is on a merry-go-round.

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