    last period was on june 1st and still didn't come yet and it's july 6th can i be pregnant

    if i am pregnant wen can i take a pregnancy test and which one is better to take.

    +1  Views: 674 Answers: 8 Posted: 12 years ago

    8 Answers

    Playing with fire, you can get burned, Good luck any way.

    If you been doing the deed maybe you are! Is that good or bad?

    Maybe, get yourself a pregnancy test from your local pharmacy.

    You can take a pregnancy test now. I do not know which is a best one. Stop by a pharmacy and ask their opinion. 

    Quite possibly you are pregnant, but before you jump to conclusions a simple urine test can confirm your suspicions.A doctor can do this for you, or a  home pregnany test kit available from a pharmacy can detect also.There are many available, and they all do the same thing.

    You very well could be preggers....pick up a test in any grocery store and find out. Follow the directions. Could be that Mother Nature is playing a trick on you...........

    Many pharmacists offer the service of checking/doing the test on the premesis..if you are worried re a false reading...take an early am urine sample in in a sterile pot!

    good luck..millie.

    To answer #1)- Does a bear sh*t in the woods?, #2)- Pharmacy preg. test cost and chance of false reading, especially, if done inaccurately., #3)- Go to Drs./Hosp., Health Dept., some are free and are usually done right, either way your going to have to go to a doctor, if you are.


    to answer question #1- some bears do sh*t in the woods- others, who are less modest, will sh*t anywhere they please( in a river, in a field, on a photographer's foot)

    PREGNANCY TESTS SOLD IN PHARMACISTS...ARE 99.99% Accurate!!..(They have to comply with the rules and regulations of pharmacy sold products)!..They are not difficult to follow the simple instructions!

    millie- I totally agree...the failure rate of OTC preg. tests is usually due to "user fault"...not following the instructions or taking the test too early. Most OTC preg. tests come with two testers..with instructions to use one and then repeat several days later.

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