    Why does the media and politicians try to deceive us with using half figures in their stats?

    Every month they say so many jobs were created but the unemployment rate stays the same. If I have my ranch hand work tomorrow, does this mean obama created a job. Apparently the jobs lost are not included in these figures? Why aren't we informed only of the net increase or decrease in jobs? Why do you say that the administration created a job when they actually had nothing to do with itr?

    +2  Views: 746 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago

    4 Answers

    Politicians reason is to get your votes. Media reason is to get your support (votes) for the politicians they support.

    you can make figures say just about what you wont,it`s  a poor way of hiding the truth.

    To make people believe theire policies are working., but we know better.

    Half figures given by some politicians are given by the more honest ones.   At least you got half figures.  The remaining ones are truly liars.

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