    do we really want mr. obama as our president again wasn't four years enough?

    how can we sit by and watch while our country is on the road to ruin? Our freedoms are being taken away little by little, our tax dollars are going toward funding murdering unborn children. Mr. Obama is also abusing his ability and  authority to exercise executive order, to legislate things that will prove to be incredibly damaging to our country.Case and point Obamacare. We need to get back to the moral absolutes that this country was founded upon. We can't afford another term of this administration. Being FORCED to Purchase health care, or you will be penalized for it,  they do things like that in communist countries , We had better wake up or we won't  even recognize our country anymore it will be a dictatorship , and no longer a democracy . Can't anyone see what is happening  America is going down the tube in a hand basket , and  it doesn't matter to anyone . Yes, the economy and job creation are very important, but isn't  having a strong, non arrogant , man that stands by his convictions important too. As the government goes ,so goes the country, Don't we need God In America Again? We Need to vote our consciences , and our convictions instead of going only with what's popular.. If My People who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray. And seek my face ,and turn from their wicked ways. Then will I hear from heaven . And WILL forgive their sins , and WILL heal their land. that is a promise from the Lord God himself II Chronicles 7:14 put it into practice ,and see what will happen you will be glad you did . O TASTE AND SEE THAT THE LORD IS GOOD.

    +3  Views: 1172 Answers: 8 Posted: 12 years ago

    Like it or not, Mr Obama, is President Obama. We have the right to vote- and everyone who has that right should use it. So, if you want President Obama to be called Mr. Obama after Jan 20th next year... You can vote for Romney, another candidate, or write in a vote. Until then, Mr. Obama is Mr. President... calling him anything else makes you look silly.

    The only thing Obama is adequate at is removing rights from the people, walking all over the US Constitution and ruining this country, driving it further and further into debt. His tax plan disguised as healthcare reform is designed to squeeze money out of the already over burdened tax payers to pay back for all his foolish and wasteful spending and wars. The man is a socialist dictator. Any person who is truly aware of the political shenanigans of this inept "president" would know this.

    I refuse to call him Mr President or President. He has not earned the title. I help employ him. I demoted him to just Obama.

    8 Answers

    Yes we see it. It is discussed here often. There are few fans of Obama on this site. Exercise your right to vote and vote him and anyone who backs his policies out of office. 

    Religion has no place in this. Pray if you want but we make these decisions, not God.

    God has never left and will never leave any of His people, no matter what area of the world. Trust that He knows what is going on. 

    We are on  our own. This is our learning journey, not His. 

    Not everyone is a Christian but this does not make them Godless. 

    It's 'President Obama -- No Mr. Obama...  and no, I will not vote for him.  I disagree with most of his policies-- He is doing what he said he would do, 'change America' this he is succeeding in, however, many of us don't like his changes and we will try our best to vote him out.  Also, I wish people would drop the religion aspect of elections.  However, traditionally speaking, I don't like them removing Christianity as an evil occult and praising Islam and forcing it on our children in elementary schools. The message is God is bad, Allah is great..  Unfortunately, our schools are run by liberalism and they are conditioning our children to accept the new Totalitarian America..   


    Public Schools like the Government should recognize the separation of Church (religion) and State- not remove one God and replace with another.

    No I will not vote for Mr Obama and I agree with you on the above. However our problem is jobs and it goes back to after World War II. We became a powerful economy in part, because for decades we we protected our industries from European competitian, but after World War II American polititians believed that the US economy was so strong, that it would be best to remove all trade barriers and encouraged all countries to trade with us  Not only were the polititians wrong, but the European Union and other countries maintained trade barriers that hurt our competitivness..

    The US. does not have an industrial policy, like Germany, Japan and China does to protect theire industries,,while we are losing ours. As a result we keep losing high-paying manufacturing jobs, replacing them with low-paying service jobs and resently with high unemployment.


    My vote goes to the lesser (in my opinion) of the two evils.

    I have been seeing a lot of the articles that have been coming out referring the president as Mr. rather than president. I am not sure the total reason behind that but I would bet there are many. No to him for more reason than I can account right now.

    Do you really want a Pres. like we had for 8 dreadful years prior to PRES. OBAMA?  If you don't want Obama as Pres. then please write-in Elmer Fudd, because WE definitely don't need SCREWBALL Romney.


    I'm writing in Ron Paul.

    A Man! we definitely do not need "Screwball Romney and I might add lying every other day Romney. Is not everyone watching all the information coming out on Romney. I never saw a politician lie and change his mind as much as Romney. He would be another Bush disaster. Wars started by bush, deregulation, you see where that took wall street, on a betting frenzie. Look at Frontline, Democracy Now, the Ed Show. Come on people. And these people that are getting rid of unions and bargeting rights for teachers that are training our kids. Has any body not heard all the reports and economics talking about the country is falling because of Bush and the likes??? Obama saved it from a complete financial disaster along with Guitner and some more people that put their heads together to prevent a complete collaspe here in the U.S. Come on let's check some facts before we start throwing hate balls.

    Obama took the job and ran with Bush's plan. He is no better than Bush. Obama has NOT saved this country from financial disaster, he can still finish the job. We are under threat of our credit rating being lowered again. I do not hate Obama, I hate his politics. Why to do Obama supporters have to use cards all the time? The Bush card, the race card, the hate card. This truly is the only way you can defend his record of failure? The unions are no good. We have laws for the workers in this country. What's good for one is good for everyone. We do not need over priced unions. Change the labor laws. We do not need unions that take money from the workers. Unions are still a scam.

    Write in Ron Paul!

    <reply moved to where it belongs>


    Karma: 65270

    Colleen if you hate politics, maybe you should not talk about politics. Because I feel you are very ill informed about something you hate, politics. You have unions. Unions have made things equal for a lot of people over the years. Humans are not always fair. Unions helped people learn to be fair in many employment situations. You talk about people using 'cards', e.g. race, hate, bush cards etc. Any word that you feel disagrees with your views, you and people that do this call it using a card. Keep and open mind and discuss what is on the table. The Bush card is true reality. Colleen I wish you would do some real research on what Bush caused, what Romney did, how people cutting the police, teacher, public employees is actually contracting the economy and we sould actually be doing the opposite until the economy recovers. Google economist recommendations. There are all kind of books out on this topics. So its not a Bush card. Its what Bush did to free fall the economy. And somebody has slowed that free fall down.

    Why are you putting words in my mouth? Just because I hate Obama's politics, does not mean I hate politics. If you can not see a crook for what he is, perhaps you should stay out of politics.

    Unions take care of their own. My brothers are in unions. One agrees with you, the other agrees with me.

    I was discussing what was on the table. You tossed in the hate card.

    I've done all that research. I'm not going to take the time to spell it all out for you.

    Obama sped up the free fall. He spent money instead of halting spending. He borrowed and put us in wars we had no business being in. He's a spender!

    Polls show that all across this nation Americans are waking up to Obama's radical agenda as a result of the recent Supreme Court decision.
    They realize they have been LIED to.
    President Obama repeatedly said his health care plan was NOT a tax.
    But when his Solicitor General went before the Supreme Court, he argued that Obamacare was legal — that the federal government could force you and me and every citizen to purchase private health insurance — because Obamacare is a TAX!
    Tell the American people one thing, tell the Supreme Court another. I call this a bold-faced lie.
    Repeatedly Obama said Obamacare is not a tax.
    Recently pollster Pat Caddell suggested that Americans need a new battle cry: Reject the lie, repeal ObamaTax!
    He's right!

    Please use the "comment this answer" link when replying to a person. Do not post your reply as a new answer. Thank you.


    Colleen I love your heart. I must say tho that your overreaction to things sometimes is totally amazing. I did not put words in your month. You are the one that said, "I hate politics." Go back and read what you wrote. You also wrote "you tossed in a hate card." The comment lead me to some thoughtful thinking, which I thank you for. To disucss any topic one has to bring up some facts. Many people if you bring up a fact that causes one to look carefully at an issue they have not resolved within themselves, they numb themselves and call it a hate card, or race card. I know talking about race is hard and painful for many, so they rather drug themselves with the idea of a 'race card'. We need to grow up be able to talk about race in an open an honest way. Also as many wise people say, if you look at and discuss history. And Bush is recent history. Maybe you & us can learn and grow. Talking about Bush is not a hate card it's an evaluation about what a very powerful man did while he was in office and its effect on the world. That's why we study the German war so much and Hitler. Not for hate, or hate cards, but for understanding to make a better world.

    I said >> " I hate his politics. " HIS politics.

    "Many you can learn and grow."

    Perhaps you can learn and grow. Stop blaming Bush for Obama's failures. There are many things Obama could have done to help this country. He chose not to. He instead chose to be a spending whore. He is a dictator and a socialist. We are a democracy. Something he has forgotten.

    "That's why we study the German war so much and Hitler."

    And now we restudy it to understand Obama better. He's a Hitler mini me.

    Writting in names is a way of wasting your vote and contributing to the victory of the candidate you like the least.

    I don't agree and if more people would do this and select a candidate that the Illuminati pushed out of the picture, we would send a message to them that we do not want them controlling our picks!It's the Illuminati who started the whole, don't waste your vote with a write in. They want us to vote for their picks because those picks can be controlled. I am voting for my pick. I do not want Romney and I do not want Obama. No matter which one gets in, it's the same. If I were to vote for either one, then to me it truly would be a wasted vote. I dislike them equally.

    our taxes are going to go way up to pay for Obama care. And you will lose your personal,private  health insurance. Romney said if he becomes president, he will appeal Obama care.


    Obamacare is a tax all on it's own. Romney will bring his 50% failed healthcare reform to the table with slight changes but still the same....forced healthcare that benefit the pharmaceuticals, the doctors and the government.

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