    Storms in Ohio had me without power for several days, how about you......

    Trying to upload a photo, but for some reason no luck....

    +7  Views: 1402 Answers: 12 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: local

    12 Answers

    Oh, I know this... a tree (I named him Walter) fell into our backyard... (Walter was gigantical)... thank goodness no one was injured but it was such a disaster the police actually came to check things out.  Walter literally exploded all over the back yard... we own 1/3 of an acre and so you can imagine that Walter's body parts were everywhere. He completely destroyed the roof of my glazing shed. 

    I named the tree Walter because he was in our backyard for a very long time.   3 guys in a Saturn and a chain saw came to take him away at one point.  We are sooooo very fortunate that the property that the tree was originally on was owned by a real estate development company... the kind of company that really cares.  (I am being sarcastic)

    I am very glad that no one was hurt by this tree and I do hope your experience with the tree is dealt with quickly.  Trees don't look soooo big when they are standing up.

    Earnestine, Walter's significant other, lost a few limbs in what we are referring to as 'The Typhoon' last week.... we are truly hoping when she comes crashing down she will fall the other way.


    Headless Man

    I was not effected much but we had a lot of damage in the area, wish I could get some photos up , is there something wrong that I'm not aware of because I was off for a wile?

    There should be nothing wrong with posting photos here. As a matter of fact, they fixed the option so you can now upload from your own pictures folder. No more having to host them to a photo site.
    Headless Man

    I never did host them to a photo site, but now can't upload anything? I will ask them why.

    Never affected me at all, hope you're OK?

    Headless Man

    We had some close calls but no one I know was even hurt, a tree fell on my daughters boyfriend's truck when they were in it, totaled the truck but not a scratch on them, thank GOD...

    We get crap weather here all the time, you tend to get used to it, but things are getting a bit extreme now.

    Huh. A full pond of water away and you weren't affected? What gives with that?

    We usually get the backlash from the crap on your side of the pond with extras.

    That's a lot of crap!!!! Especially since the weather is getting weirder and weirder - look at how that thunderstorm affected Colleen...sending me off to a naughty corner, saying she is like a god, and (gasp) planning another Fish fry for tomorrow...SWIM Fishy Swim!!!

    Fishy can't swim as fast as Fleas can leap,the fish will be caught!

    ..which is why I have pulled out the last Eulogy I wrote for Fishy and am editing it- anything I should add?


    That is an interesting philosophical question- can you Rip if you are being eaten by a moderator?????

    Depends which one.

    Very diplomatic answer! You wouldn't want to piss off you know who or she'll be serving up chocolate covered fleas next!

    You were very lucky. there are still very many people without power and it is very hot. NH. was not affected by this storm.

    Some winds and light rain in my area, but my heart and prayers go out to all those in the hardest hit areas..

    I hope everything is getting back to normal for you! We have excessive heat and not a drop of rain! It is getting serious in this area! SW Michigan!


    clu,I perfer the rain to so much heat. I really feel so sad for all people there, saw it on Sky news..

    Dollybird , I understand that however our weather is weird Today was the 3rd straight day of 100+ temps. High humidity! It's severe conditions. We are on excessive heat warnings! It's BAD!

    Hope you and your family are alright.

    Headless Man

    We are fine, it was a good warning to be ready.....

    Where having hot wearher here and no rain for wild, not too bad compare what your having, Anyhow it's good that no one was hurt and pray that better days ahead!!

    We had storms, with brief elec. outage but, We have family in the WV area that's without power and has lost food due to the outage and no a/c in these temps., just makes a bad situation worst.

    I'm in Austin, didn't see a drop of rain or high wind.  Watched your area on the news though...Looks rough.......

    We came out ok here in Northeast Ohio,just a little rain (this a.m. 07/05) and we sure did need it.


    rain? where? (how r you rick? glad to see you back here)

    A huge part of our State was without power... I hosted my sisiter for a few days, gave out a lot of ice, charged cellphones, computers (etc) and offered up a lot of cool drinks and a cool place to relax- seemed the least I could do.  ( I lost power for 6 days after Hur. Isabel- I know how hard it is in this awful heat!!!!)

    We had two severe storms yesterday, with hail

    the size of ping pong balls for the second go around.

    There were some branches down too, in my neighbourhood.

    It's shaping up here for anther downpour within the

    next hour. The storms give some heat relief, as it was

    one hundred degrees yesterday, not counting humidity.


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