1 Answer
Your printer is not communicating with the Operating System.
First uninstall the printer. ( Make sure you have the printer driver disk )
Make sure the printer is OFF and disconnect the power lead to your desktop or laptop.
Leave the computer OFF for 2 to 3 minutes. I actually mean turn it off and disconnect your power cord to the computer. That will clear everything.
Plug in and turn on your computer and let it boot up. When its fully booted, click START / SETTINGS / PRINTERS and FAXes and click ADD A PRINTER.
Follow the instructions and have the appropriate driver disk or files on your computer to complete the installation.
Remember, most installations require the printer NOT be powered up or connected while you load the drivers. That is normally the last step and the driver loading will prompt you to turn on the power and make the connections.
Then you probably will have to reboot and voila, you're done.
source http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20071008082242AAOXCBP
12 years ago. Rating: 2 | |