    The Syrian Revolution 2012 : How to find closure...

    Without joining the battles or providing arms what could at least stall the conflict to get into a peaceful resolution?

    0  Views: 1036 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago

    As WW2 ender we went into Germany and promptly hanged the death camp guards. How long would the Syrian Revolution last if everyone knew we would come in as fighting came to an end and executed the surviving fighters and military as a lesson in neighborly respect?

    4 Answers

     At present the country is engaged
    in a minor form of civil war, that we can call a
    confined civil war. If the whirlpool is to be calmed,
    the regime still has the power to solve the crisis
    by stopping the slaughter, withdrawing its troops,
    releasing prisoners and inviting the opposition
    (as represented by those part of the uprising) to
    engage in a negotiated transfer of power. Without
    this the current polarization of the country will
    continue, the confined civil war will spread and
    international intervention – perhaps under cover
    of an Arab initiative – will be the inevitable result
    with the consequent destruction of the country.
    But will the regime see fit to act? Unfortunately
    not, it seems. It will stay its course, pulling down
    the temple on its own head and on Syria itself.


    It is a terrible situation, and one we cant do much about. However tension between Turkey and Syria escalated after Syria shot down a turkisch plane.

    Turkey has been pressing for NATO military action against Syria and the US. could find itself, however reluctently at war. 



    I think Turkey acted wisely not shooting at Syria for a revenge, that would have worsen the situation in Syria.

    Yes RJ. , that is what I am afraid of

    Syrians must find a leader first.

    We have no business settling other countries problems. Let them fight it out. Let them resolve their own issues. It's none of our business. If my country ever went into a civil war situation, I would not want, say Germany, telling us what to do or getting involved in our civil matters.  We should never have been in Syria in the first place. 


    i agree with all you say,but a solution must be found to stop the killing of the innocent.

    It's still up to them. We can not save all the innocents of the world. These are their people. They have to come up with a solution to save them.

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