I am a diabetic & have had high blood sugar levels in the past that have caused high blood pressure. Right now my blood sugar levels are normal but I am getting real bad headaches,is this a signI am having having either high blood pressure or the start of brain cancer? You see cancer does run in my family & my Mother died fom Pancreatic Cancer while Daddy died with a rare form of blood cancer. I worry lots abot getting cancer since both my parents died from cancer but I worry more about the possibility of me having high blood pressure & a possible heart attack. I do not wish to leave my husband a widower so quickly,for I recall my experience in losing my first husband to death and watching him die in front of me I cried & I was in shock. I do not wish this for Richard,so what steps can I do to prevent it? Thanks! C.V. Berndt
3 Answers
akaQA disclaimer.
No member should answer this as we are not doctors nor any kind of provable medical professionals. According to one member on this site, he has put out the scare that we could be sued for giving medical opinions. This should cover his concerns for akaQA being sued.
Speak to your doctor please. In my unprofessional opinion, all your stress and worry COULD lead you to the heart attack you fear.
12 years ago. Rating: 2 | |
Don't mean to sound so simple but watch your blood sugars. It's not that hard, diet and exercise. I see no correlation between BG's and cancer. But the trick is to stay as healthy as one can in spite of circumstances.................
12 years ago. Rating: 1 | |