    Hey yall I need lots of help, thought I would give this a try first..I am sing.le and a widower. I met a wonderful man 20 years ago, only drawback was he was married. Well his wife of 36 years died, at that time I had met another wonderful guy, only to lose him 4 years later to lung cancer. Keep in mind this 1st man and I have always kept in touch and been in each others lives. Well heres the sticker. He all of a sudden married another woman that he went to school with and growed up across the s

    0  Views: 419 Answers: 10 Posted: 12 years ago

    10 Answers

    He's a married man... Leave him be!


    I dont bother him, he calls me and tells me he loves me everyday,Thanks for gettin back with me.
    country bumpkin

    Is this the sort of man you want to be with? How many women will he be calling when he's with you!

    What A B*****D!!(TOTAL)!:-(...Yep sorry I agree with CB...Go find some NICE man...plenty of good ones (Unmarried/loyal/loving..only eyes for be had)!!...Plus you need to gain some respect/self and certainly won`t via man like this horror!!:-¬

    Ain't love a bitch?

    Timing is the biggest problem you guys seem to have.

    I don't think you should persue this relationship any further.It's only going to end in heartbreak for somebody.

    Find a single guy.`s bad luck for you!..But I think that you should try and be happy that he`s met and married someone he loves..If he can..then no doubt you can too..but I too think you are looking in the wrong area....Married....are off limits..plenty o singles out there!

    good luck!

    What will be, will be.Accept that this relationship was not meant to be.

    Obviously the guy wants a wife (not you) and a bit on the side (you). But you already knew that didn't you? Either way it's a lose/lose situation for you if you are looking to be more than just a bit on the wonder he says he "loves" tolerate and accept his treatment of you by setting yourself in the role of mistress and remaining there...he has his cake and eats it too! You are just the icing...

    Stop chasing after married men, it's shameful.

    He's married now, so either just leave them to it.  Unless you can just be friends with them both and nothing else.

    His timing is off, again.

    This sounds like a bad hunting trip I went on many years back.

    I don't think this was meant to be.

    He married another,

    maybe in your next lifetime, things

    will work out between you. People

    here have give you excellent advice,

    It's up to you whether you heed it or not.


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