12 Answers
Bring every service man and woman home from "sand land" immediately. Let the Afghan b@st*rds kill themselves off. Never have our boots on foriegn soil again, nuke'em next time.
12 years ago. Rating: 13 | |
I order that everybody goes barefooted while inside, feel the carpets, the smoothness of the wooden floors,re freshness of everything straight up class....and enjoy being barefooted-long time ago lost......
12 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
2012-06-22 23:04:04
-40 jhharlan voted down your answer in which you said: "...."
Pull the USA out of UNO
12 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
I hope you had a wonderful time.
Si fuera presidente de los Estados unidos y tuviera el poder real de hacerlo, eliminaría las guerras en cualquier lugar donde estuviese el país involucrado, eliminaría todo el arsenal nuclear y de cualquier tipo de arma,destinaría toda el dinero a erradicar la pobreza y el hambre en el mundo y en la ONU invitaría a los demás países a hacer lo mismo para fomentar la paz y la solidaridad entre los pueblos. Así no tendríamos que esperar ir al paraíso celestial porque la Tierra serí un verdadero paraíso de amor y comprensión entre todos los seres humanos que la habitan
12 years ago. Rating: 2 | |
If you were president of the United States and had the real power to do so would eliminate wars wherever the country was involved, eliminate all nuclear arsenal and any type of weapon, I would direct all the money to eradicate poverty and hunger in the world and the UN would invite other countries to do the same to promote peace and solidarity among peoples. So we should not expect to go to heaven because heaven Seri Earth a paradise of love and understanding between all human beings that inhabit.