Some genius has suggested that drivers over 65 should display an "S" plate (For senior) similar to a "P" plate (For provisional) or "L" plate so that people can recognize them & avoid them.
I believe it would be discrimination.
I would go along with it as long as fat driver display an "F" plate.Gay drivers should display a "G" plate & any body else who is not part of the herd display a "D" (For different) plate.
Of course lesbians would be exempt because "L" is already taken by learners.
16 Answers
I think that this would be discrimination. People with severe medical conditions, schould not be allowed to drive. Most accidents in my state are caused by young drivers.
12 years ago. Rating: 16 | |
I'm thinking NO-OO! There are already yearly testing procedures in place as well as provisions for some seniors for "daylight only" driving. There are also newspaper reminders to look out for seniors perhaps driving a bit more slowly/carefully on our roads. No! The 's' is discrimination!
12 years ago. Rating: 15 | |
Pure discrimination. My mom drove well into her 80's and the only citation she ever received was for speeding on a Florida interstate. The only "accident" she was ever in (behind) the wheel was the one where the OTHER driver ran the stop sign and she veered into the yard, hitting nothing; fortunately, that corner was the one that DIDN'T have the vineyards. She was an excellent driver. She quit driving of her own accord.
Senior drivers can be annoying and dangerous; they aren't an elite group in that respect.
12 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
BTW: my dad scared the hell out of my mom and me when he drove (almost on the shoulder of the road); I was only too happy when I got my license and could offer to drive (at least I stayed in one whole lane).
Most seniors should be pistol wiped and have their license revoked forever. I've been rear ended five times this past year by an old curmudgeon.
12 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
Five times rear ended. Yikes. What state are you in, ed shank? ; )
Hm...that does seem to be discriminative, and without the proven benefit of anything being gained by it. I mean, by the time you are reading someone's license plate while being in the driver's seat of your own vehicle, you're fairly much stuck dealing with whatever is situationally presented to you anyway.
That makes me wonder what comes next, flashing amber lights to warn other people of the potential danger of an elderly driver? LOL! (Sorry, I couldn't help myself when that pictured crossed my mind.)
12 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
My mum has always been an horrendous driver and has progressively been getting worse, she refuses to surrender her license as I have suggested, and "S" plates would not be enough to ensure anyone's safety, there are also those that have excellent driving skills and should not be discriminated against because of their advanced years, I think mandatory testing after a nominated age would a safer way to identify those that should no longer carry a licence
12 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
My father at age about 80 drove back from the golf course with a flat tyre. The tyre disintegrated, the wheel rim also and he arrived home on the hub. His doctor had previously given him the OK to drive even though he was clearly a danger. Fortunately he realised this after and stopped driving, but it was only by chance that he did not cause an accident.
12 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
It's discrimination. The group that causes the most accidents is young men in pick-up trucks. That's why insurance rates are higher for them. The 78, almost 79 yr. .old woman that I ride with to chorus practice is a very good, careful driver. She helped her husb last Feb drive out to Texas from Mich. He's 84 and a good driver too. My mom drove till she was 86 and never had an accident. My dad drove till he was 78 and never had an accident that I know of.
12 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
Wait a minute!! I'm a senior, I havent been in an accident since the 1960's, I had one speeding ticket about 3 years ago for doing 55 in a 40. I haven't had a speeding ticket in over 30+ years. Now why should I put an S on my car?? I see nothing wrong with putting a warning on a vehicle owned by a person that has been in several accidents where they were at fault, or two traffic tickets within 18 months-- They can remove them after their driving record improves. This would have no age requirements. Believe me, on my commute each day, I see hundreds of 'young' drivers risking ~MY~ life with their careless operation... Idiocy knows no age..
12 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
I dont see why they should stop at the Lic-plates, they should be made to were the S in stores as well because they often use motorized shopping carts. In addition, an S on the mail boxes so we know what neighborhoods to avoid. Losing freedoms for safety is very important because how can one speed by someone going so slow if they don’t have an S on the car plate. Perhaps check points all around town to catch them in case they borrow or rent a car. Be very good for the unemployment rates to hire people for checkpoints. Here in the USA we could just expand the TSA to do this.
12 years ago. Rating: 5 | |