    OK then seeing that question is so stupid here is a better one for you scientists out there....Collecting aluminium cans for scrap returns 2c per can ? If I use the same can to produce Hydrogen gas to run my car with then how many Kilometres will I get to the can ? So then which is the better return Scrap or Fuel >

    Then....the spent dissolved aluminium will be recovered to be used again using solar electricity if necessary....who can give me a process ?

    0  Views: 1824 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago

    4 Answers

    Return the cans... buy a bike... get exercise and eat organic. 

    Dump the car and plant a tree.

    ... And don't forget to smile because now you are healthy and happy!

    You need to cut the attitude. You've asked 2 questions and have been insulting in both of them. Everyone here is a volunteer. The one thing they do not volunteer for however is to be abused by a nobody.

    Return the cans for cash and let someone else deal with inventing, it's to much of headache!!!

    Well thanks for that cheerful reply but that;s the sort of Greenie shut-down thinking that is paralysing this country...Intelligent answers please


    What's un-intelligent about answer???

    Write a letter to the president. Don't bring your political angst here. You have no idea how green Fishlet is.

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