6 Answers
Here is the information you will require should this day become a reality... which according to Carl the back yard alien ... it will.
Go to www.aliensareus.com
Book your ticket now ... code, jasperkola417-a-list
There are a few Mimosa packages still available. Ask for that (time is running out!) ... you will not regret it!
Good Luck. Happy Sailing and wave as you pass the Purple Palms... they love it when tourists wave!
12 years ago. Rating: 12 | |
I look forward to presenting it to him!
This has been asked here too many times to count. Take a look here http://www.akaqa.com/Search?q=end+of+world and here http://www.akaqa.com/Search?q=when+will+the+world+end and here http://www.akaqa.com/Search?q=when+is+the+world+going+to+end%27
12 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
The world will explode in the year 2300 you will be long gone your facebook account will be closed and googling you will be impossible, due to the new technical revolution in 2034.
What will happen in this time Saturn will spin its way closer to the earth and China will build a bridge and there will be a walk way, before the Earth explodes they will disconnect the bridge and start the process of digging up another planet, the bonuses will be that the grass will always be green and Saturn wont have taxes...
12 years ago. Rating: 2 | |
no one really know but the only one who does is god and its in the revelations.. read the bible
12 years ago. Rating: 1 | |