    Did you hear about the binge drinker who died at 22? He lived in the UK.


    +5  Views: 1009 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    7 Answers

    Sadly it`s not that uncommon,,it just doesn`t hit the media that much!!....All that we can all do is educate people re health,drinking and diet..and these days certainly in the UK THERE IS far more awareness as to diet and lifestyle and on the Television..during the ads there are MANY ads alerting people to take more interest in their health and not to avoid seeing their GP`S for anything which they may feel uncomfortable doing so..Dr`s and Nurses are non-judgemental ..and there to advise and help!!...(There is RARELY ANYTHING healthwise that a Dr and Nurse hasn`t come across MANY MANY TIMES BEFORE)!!....Sadly this young man couln`t take on the advice/help he`d been given..he`d already had liver disease @19 Years old...I`D BE very surprised if the medics/psychs hadn`t pulled out ALL stops to save him from his alcohol addiction!!

    That is terrible. I dont think young people realize how dangerous alcohol is because it is legal. Many young people have died from alcohol-poisening. What a waste of life.


    I knew two teenagers that drown in their own vomit from drinking to much. Sad, but it happens every day.


    Terrible! Unthinkable! ed, is that true?
    ed shank

    Yes my friend it is more common then you may think. Both of these young people drank to the point of unconsciousness and began to vomit and literally drown.

    Isn't that how Jimi Hendrix died? Choke/drown in his vomit.

    True..that`s usually more common way to die when people are so outta it they inhale their vomit and choke!...But the problem of alcohol and drugs does seem to be getting worse despite the start drinking Uni etc...a lot of peer pressure:-(...AND STREET DRUGS ..(Well here more and more available).Where I live ..a lot of rich n famous(NOT ME)!!:-) get to know which dealer is associated with which house hold!:-¬i KNOW it`s not just the party circuit..but it often seems that way here!!:-(

    So sad. I'm glad my drinking isn't done in binges, it's on

    What a waste!  He should have limited his drinking to 12 beers per day.

    So unnecessary and tragic.  When my youngest was 16, he got hold of a pint of vodka (and to this day I don't know WHERE). It was Wednesday and bowling night, but a couple of friends came by and I skipped bowling to fix dinner and visit. My son came through the back door behaving oddly, then fell on the floor.  We determined that he was drunk and questioned the friend's daughter about what the heck....   She brought the empty bottle and said he had downed the whole thing in less than ten minutes.  I called the local hospital (ten minutes away) and was told to bring him directly to the ambulance entrance.  Son sat between middle son and friend, who   held  a plastic bag for him to puke into (which he did, on the way).  
    Long story short,   he had his stomach pumped out and was unconscious  for a couple of hours.  The blood test showed his BAL was .425 and rising.  .08 is legally drunk here. 
    Had I gone to bowling and he'd have downed the vodka, he'd have passed out and I'd have thought he was asleep. He would have died.  
    None of my sons drink much or often.  

    Well the good in all of this is that they die happy.


    No, there is nothing good in all of this.

    Sure beats a stick in the eye.

    Dying choking on your vomit or spending months in a liver unit dying a long and painful death is not imo..."DYING HAPPY"!!!:-(...(when i`m at work..hopefully soon...Call me and I`ll give you a guided tour of the kids and adults in icu and the liver unit and hang out on nights with me and see what comes through the door of E.R)!!That should open your eyes to life and death!!..NO FUN TO BE HAD!!:-(

    Not my place to save the world and it is not place to stop the uncontrollable people who have no self-cause for them selfs. If they were being forced to drink then I would be for their freedom not to drink.

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