    America: What a country! Detroit man gambles away $1.5 million accidentally given by ATM.

    How do you feel about this?




    +5  Views: 1093 Answers: 11 Posted: 12 years ago

    He probably broke into the machine. ATMs don't " accidently " give out millions

    11 Answers

    What a maroon!  Any thinking person would know it's a glitch and go into the bank to inform the bank of the error!   ... Again!  WHAT A MAROON!!!!!


    The key word is "any thinking person". So Christmas in July is not true then?

    What!!!! Since when????!!!!!

    I once found $20 in an ATM machine. No one was around to claim it..............


    Finally I found the thief that stole my 20 bucks from the ATM.. That's not right.. :(

    It got spent on my favorite charity, trust me....

    Is he a democrat?? :)


    He seems liberal, at least with his spending habit.

    Has to be a Republican, a true Democrat would of been intelligent and kept it at home!!!

    Dad, you gotta be kidding me.. LOL This guy has squandered trillions on foreign and domestic entitlements and bailouts that have done nothing but put us more in debt, heck there's one solar panel' [Soylandra] 20 miles from me he gave over a half billion of our tax money and its now defunct. He's going to tax you more and more until he equalizes income or everyone, this includes those that 'won't' work.. you're paying for them now, it will be worse to come if he gets his way.. But then, you may be one that is on one of his entitlement programs so of course you will vote for him.. LOL

    Vinny, BUSH gave away more money and outsourced more than all others. Besides Obama only got all Bush's misdeeds by inheritance so, PLEASE don't throw Bush's garbage on someone else.

    Oh brother.. Lets blame it on Bush again.. almost 4 years and you peeps are still blaming Bush! I wish Bush would get out of the whitehouse so Obama can start being president. You all want big goverment, you want the government to run your lives, tell you what cars to buy, what to eat, and what to say, Earth been here 4.5 billion years, we been here 200k and we are ruining the planet.. Its all about money! Money stuffing the pockets of the 'do-gooders'.. It's all a farce and the kool-aid drinkers will follow right along! Sorry, not me! I am not a 'hard-core' conservative, I don't even agree with many of the conservative agendas but I won't sit here and let you tell me that all of Obama's problems are Bush's fault, this BS is getting old, don't you think??? Jeesh!!

    Vinny, answer some questions. #1) Who was the Pres., just prior to Obama?, #2) Who OUTSOURCED America's Jobs and gave big tax cuts, if they did?, #3) Who started the BS Stimulus payments that so many big corps./business took advantage of?, What Pres. started the wars in Afghan and Iraq "Remember all the WMD'S they had"?, Now Bushy had 8 years to F----UP AMERICA, but the Republicans are crying FOUL because Obama hasn't been able to CORRECT BUSH'S MESS-UP in less than 4 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    OMG, I have answers for all those questions, but I will start with Clinton, the outsourcing NAFTA was unde his watch, as well as trade with china, the Iraq war and Afganistan was approved by a Democrat Congress- No president can 'start a war' without the approval of congress.

    The WMD's were there, without a doubt, by agreement with Saddam, they were to report where they were going next.. (check it out) therefore, obviously the WMD's were moved-- There was truck activity reported and photographed going from Iraq to Syria at this same time-- we were not allowed to engage at that time, what were they hauling from Iraq?? Well fortunately, these WMD's were perishable so they are no longer a threat to anyone.. what about the KURDS genocide?? ordered by Saddam and orchestrated by "Chemical Allie' What were they using to kill all those people?? peppermint spray?? That is WMD's they were used by Saddam.. How can you say they didn't have this stuff when they used it?? You liberal democrats really need to get a grip and start taking some of the blame for the mess this country is in, its NOT ALL BUSH's fault, that is getting so old! Our country is in dire financial straits because of mistakes of many presidents and congress and your messiah Obama knew what he was getting into when he ran in 2008, he has nothing to show other than spending trillions on failed stimulus and an Obamacare deception that is about to go defunct. For my country, I really hope and pray that we gain our strength through military, gain our people through self reliance and once again, see a brotherhood America working together as it once was.. Your 'progressive approach is setting us back 2000 years.. I find it strange that immigrants have been coming to this country since its beginning because we offered that 'American dream', they loved America! Now you all want to change that. So... we end up with many undesirables that go on Obama's entitlement programs.. Sorry, i want a strong nation again, not one that the president runs around apologizing for saving their asses in the past and kissing the hands of those that hate us.

    I am finished with this conversation. It has no resolvement . And out of respect to aka members, I will drop it but you may have the last word...

    I can s, they fed those that believed their stories BS an some still eats and grins. But Dem. only agreed to the war in Iraq because of all the LIES the GOP was forcing down their throats. But my point is, Why is it Obama less than 4 years in is such a BAD Pres. after the TWO biggest pieces of SH*T came from the REPUBLICANS, both named Bush but nobody on their side has the guts to admit, they just make excuses and blame it on the Democrats and Obama!!! Why did some of Bush's own say he/they lied about WMD and RESIGN and NO WMD WASN'T there because had there been something would have been FOUND, not even a trace an it doesn't evaporate in thin air, remember what POWELL said!!!!!

    You know what dad?? You are coming off just like all the liberals I know with name calling and yelling.. (caps) It was the CIA that passed bad info, not the republicans, read your facts again.. The CIA is not (was not) a republican endorsed group, they answer to the president whomever he is, they had false information, however, as i stated, the WMD's were there, how can you and your kind ignore this simple fact when Saddam used it on his own people?? How can you be so closed to these facts?? But I understand, in a leftist mind, facts are lies and all lies are Bush.. You people can not look facts squarely in the face, you spin the truths to constantly make it fit, you do it so well that eventually, you begin to believe it as well. Then it becomes an epidemic. What you don't seem to realize is this great country that immigrants have prided on being a part of for two centuries is now beginning to turn into exactly what they were running away from.. you all do not see this as you hide behind your diversity/Political correctness, do-good guilt trips and now the decomposition of our economic system. Obama is a good man but he is not a president for the people, he is laden with socialist agendas, these agendas are not what this country stood for and he is re-writing the constitution to fit his will and the left. I am not a name caller, I do not call the president of the united states a 'piece of shit' I do not think this is respectful of the office regardless who holds the position. I do not like Obama, I do not like his policies, i do not like what he is endeavoring to change America into.. BUT! He is my president and i respect that. as I mentioned before, there is no resolve to this discussion and I really don't appreciate talking to someone that holds no respect for the presidency or for that matter, the country they live in-- If you want change, please leave my America alone and move to some socialistic country where you will fit in better..

    Vinny your the on/rep. that throws out the names, please view your initial answer and other thread answers. It's always downgrading of democrats/party but that's what republicans do because their party has to blame someone else. Now even Colin Powell and others stated it was false info. on the WMD and that Bush was advised before he even told "America", now as true as it maybe about what Saddam may hav done befor doesn't meet Bush's claim of " Stockpiles" of it! When Bush took office the budget was balanced the bottom got knocked out by Bush over a 8 year period not once have, I heard or seen any bad talk by Republicans but let a Democrat even sneeze, then watch. Obama inherited a troubled America and it's drowning debt from (You got it) BUSH and now "Well it's Obama's fault" coming from Republicans galore. So now go figure! The only decent Republican that held the Pres. ofc. was Reagan, the rest well.

    Dad, I throw 'digs' not slanders.. I don't call Obama a 'piece of shit' as you call President George W. Bush. My 'digs' are not in bad taste. I really have nothing against Democrats, but i have a strong dislike of Liberals (or progressives) They drive me insane!

    I make it a practice to get my news from both liberal and conservative sources, I live in an area that is about 90% liberal so you can imagine the torture i must be going through with my conservative beliefs.
    I find that Fox news or as liberals call it Faux News offers a right view where MSNBC and all the rest of the networks offer a 'left' liberal view. I weigh both sides, I see and hear 'some' views from the left that i agree with, most i do not agree with. The problem i see with most liberals is that they only get their news from selected sources, MSNBC or WWW blogs. This is why IMO, the facts are many time askew of reality. i refuse to be a follower, I am a free thinker and I do not believe most of what either side has to offer, however, I look at what is happening in the world around me and i see much to be desired, I see this wonderful country i grew up in changing into a leftist haven, utopia for the left and due to their guilt trips, they feel it necessary to give my hard earned money to illegals and punish me because I work and have made something of my life. Fairness? Do you think its fair?? I was paying over $1,300.00 per month for my medical insurance, yet I had to take a back seat to illegals in the ER once because of g'ment scrutiny over how Illegals were treated. They pay nothing and get the same doctor I did. I could go on and on with this-- Morals? san francisco allows people to walk nude down the street as long as they have a towel to sit on?? Animals over people?? These are just a few of the silly things, yet these same people are voting and many are in political high seats making laws. all liberals. All insane.. Climate change is costing us a fortune, we can't drill to break off foreign oil dependency because it messes up the environment, yet we are forced to pay high dollar at the pumps while Obama takes our money and 'gives' it to alternate energy' manufacturing and research, and they put it in their pockets and leave the country.. Liberals absolutely will not admit to wrong doing at any thing! It's clearly all GWB's fault.. Even though during his presidency it was a democrat majority congress.

    sorry, this has gone to ramblings.. But I coild sit here all day and talk about how and why liberal government is bad for the country.. the takeover is not to dissimilar to many government takeovers in the past. once again, look around you and look at history, make the connection..

    "he who does not learn from history is doomed to repeat it.."

    What an idiot! He's the poster child for giving really stupid people the death penalty, just to keep them  from infecting the world's gene pool. Look up the word stupid in the dictionary, and you're apt to see his picture there!


    You could also argue that Bank of America may not be too far behind in the category of Stupidity.

    Little wonder we had to bail them out!

    Good point, Shootah. And as soon as you bailed them out, they proceeded to buy Country Wide Financials, the most toxic of all lenders, and, yes, and Merrill Lynch. BAC stock dropped from $52 at the peak to $4 at the bottom.

    B of A is one of the most corrupt banks on the planet.

    and they still refer to BAC as "Blue Chip"! What a joke Wall Street is.

    "In addition to the recommended 15-month sentence and order to repay the funds, the U.S. Attorney's Office has suggested that Page be prohibited from gambling in any capacity."

    Perhaps he could write a check..........

    It seems he hast lost some of his "Marbles" while gambling. What an Idiot!

    that's Detroit for ya. Every man for himself. I live near Detroit

    Put him in a cell with a slot machine, only fit the machine so that it takes cigarettes, as that is a substitute for money in many prisons. Instead of "cherries" or "7's, or "oranges", fix the cylinders so that the only thing they show is BARS. This should remind him that he is BEHIND BARS, if he somehow doesn't "get it"!""

    I thought it was a green job to break into ATM’s. In addition, he did not invest the money into oil so he should have a pardon coming his way.

    Well he did spread it around and didn't keep it for himself! LOL

    "If his gambling addiction is not addressed, he is very likely to cause further financial hardship to himself and his family," the memorandum reads.

    Gee...ya think????

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