    what should I drink?

    coka colla or pepci

    +3  Views: 1728 Answers: 19 Posted: 12 years ago

    19 Answers

    Water. It is much healtier.


    TOO RIGHT!!!:-)

    Drink water. Ann & millie are so right.


    I would hang that in my dining room. It's beautiful!

    In the Pepsi challenge, Coke won out in my taste. The old coke, they've changed the recipe....


    Only because RC wasn't included in the challenge;-)

    I drank RC as a kid, I think I even remember some of the commercials. It was cheaper. I don't drink sodas anymore unless they're diet and that's a "what's the point" issue.......

    Oh, yeah! Can still get them of Dr. Pepper made with real sugar.......

    I just dream about drinking them.... Sometimes if I have a low BG (blood glucose) I'll drink one as a treat......



    Good drink !

    The Red, White and Blue---PEPSI!!!

    "" Water...


    Buh bye kitty kat ...

    Buh bye kitty kat ...


    RC Cola (Royal Crown)  Tastes the same and is as nutritionally-balanced as the other two at half the price.


    When, I went to pick-up someone at the RC plant in Orlando and I seen how filthy the place was, then watched rats running around while they had employees scooping up a product off the floor and dumping in back into the mixture, it made me nauseated and has to this day made/makes me avoid any of their products.

    That must have happened a long time ago because I don't believe that plant has been producing since the '90s. In Canada, RC is produced by Cott beverages and I'm told that you can eat from the floor, it's so cutting edge clean.
    Besides, a little bacteria doesn't stand a chance when competing with whiskey or rum in a highball;-)

    Obviously there is no Starbucks in the UK.

    Neither.  Rooibos Tea.  A natural energizer and jam packed with antioxidants.


    Cool- where does one find this tea???

    It's finding it's way into the grocery stores... Even Tetley has it available. I buy and organic Rooibos with Vanilla... Vanilla Rooibos is the most delicious.
    If you are ever at a Starbucks, order a Vanilla Rooibos Latte' ... very tasty.

    OK- I'lllook for it and treat myself to one at Starbucks- thanks for the info!

    :) A treat that is good for you!

    There is a SB just across the street. I'll head over there later today and get back to you on whether they even have it here. Sounds good.

    Oh, I hope they do Bobette... It's like dessert.

    I hope so too, cuz that's my favorite meal! :D

    :D ... Now I am going to have to ask my husband to bring one home for me after work... :D

    Cheers and enjoy!

    Way,way too eclectic a beverage for a simpleton like me. Wine, beer and a cola highball in that order is more my "style" but I respect your Left coast opinion ;-)

    Try it Digger... you will love it! There is a little BEST Coast in everyone!

    Will I need to pinch my nostrils before swallowing?

    No Digger. It is seriously delicious. Ha! You are hilarious!

    Water GODS gift to man...""

    Neither anymore. If I have to choose one over the other, it's Pepsi...nicer "bite" to it.

    If I can't get a decent cup of tea when I'm out, I'll take a 7Up, instead.


    me too. About the only soda I drink is lemon-lime. OK, I like Pep and Coke too,but not as much .

    Coca Cola ZERO  is my favorit.


    Do you know what's in Coca Cola? I'll tell you, it's foetus extract from China. It's allowed in the USA, but not down here.

    I will believe you if you prove it.

    green tea,it has good antioxidents.COKE.

    Milk. the sugar is affecting your ability to spell correctly. 

    Water is best!!!...Hydrates you and flushes out toxins in the body!!...(I LOVE PEPSI-MAX)!!.0 calories approx..But the content in all these fizzy drinks aint that good for you!:-¬ much if not more sugar in the non diet versions as in alcohol!!...Bad for your teeth all of them....I  am the fist to admit that I`m a coke addict..(DIET coke/pepsi max)...I can`t drink alcohol..and It was hell being on restricted fluids...approx 3 cups of fluid a day over the past now I`m loving my freedom!!!:-)

    I've never heard of coka colla or pepci.  You might have misspelled Coca Cola and Pepsi?
    My preference was for Pepsi.  Coke got to me after awhile....anxious and jittery.  I drank either, in diet form, but have been soda-free for 2 1/2 years.
    I own stock in neither, so don't really have an interest in your choice.  :D 


    As much pepsi as, I've bought/drank, they should give me, STOCK IN THE COMPANY.

    Really? That's how you spell them ;)

    What a very odd question.  Which do you like best?  That is the one you should drink.

    Tea i.e green tea.

    not Pepsi. They put the  cells and tissues of human embryos and fetuses in their Pepsi to enhance the flavor. It's on the internet; and I've seen it in newsletters. They use a company to do that called Synovix.  That company puts the tissue in many products like food and make-up .


    They are NOT putting it into the Pepsi. You should have researched before you posted this.


    "Dozens of pro-life groups are calling on pro-life Americans to boycott PepsiCo because it has contracted with a company that uses fetal cells from babies victimized by abortions to test and produce artificial flavor enhancers. reported on the controversy in March when information came to light showing biotech company Senomyx was found to be testing their food additives using fetal cells from abortions. Senomyx ignored a letter from the pro-life group Children of God for Life, which complained about its practices.

    “The company’s key flavor programs focus on the discovery and development of savory, sweet and salt flavor ingredients that are intended to allow for the reduction of MSG, sugar and salt in food and beverage products,” the Senomyx web site says. “Using isolated human taste receptors, we created proprietary taste receptor-based assay systems that provide a biochemical or electronic readout when a flavor ingredient interacts with the receptor.”

    Debi Vinnedge, of the pro-life group, explained, “What they don’t tell the public is that they are using HEK 293 – human embryonic kidney cells taken from an electively aborted baby to produce those receptors. They could have easily chosen animal, insect, or other morally obtained human cells expressing the G protein for taste receptors.”

    Children of God for Life are the "whistle blowers" which sounds to me to be a Christian based group. I've seen reports by these Christian based groups and have been privy to the lies they use to try and push their agendas. Yes, LIES. I would not trust them for anything.

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