    So let me get this straight......

    If you cross the North Korean Border illegally, you get 12 years hard labor.  If you cross the Afghanistan Border illegally, you get shot.  Two Americans just got eight years for crossing the Iranian border.   If you cross the U.S. border illegally, you get a driver's license, food stamps, a place to live, health care, housing, child benefits, education, and a tax free business for 7 years?  No wonder we're a country in DEBT!!!

    +10  Views: 1474 Answers: 12 Posted: 12 years ago

    In Australia, you get free money every week, a mobile phone (the phone call bill is paid by the Government), free internet, free computer, free cigarettes, free board and lodging. And sometimes a free house too. The whole of Afghanistan and Asia will fill up Australia. Every day there are boatloads of them. Also, they get free lawyers to fight the Government if they are refused entry. We're all suckers!!! They riot and demand their rights and the stupid Government gives in.

    Seriously eggie?! Where do we sign up?! Just this Liberal ideology come a-knocking or what?! What is your housing like? Job availability? Canada they just hire a bus load of Mexicans to come like crazy (usually harvesting fruit) and then back they go. This appears to tick people off...but so goes it...every year...same thing.I don't "get" it at all!

    no eggie your wrong, they ALWAYS get a free house,

    12 Answers


    ed shank

    Great, I love it.

    Where's the RED LIGHT???

    It's like festival seating...a free for all! Lunge !!! ;D

    This is for real. Looks like El Paso, TX area.

    It is for real BOB...strange but for people rushing to cross the line!! Unreal...but too real! :(

    I've passed by these signs when traveling in Texas. Creepy how the "parents" are ducking their heads and the poor kid is being dragged.

    It is so! Poor little thing getting her arm yanked out of the socket like that! Yowch!

    Welcome to God's country.

    'Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses............................'


    We're all suckers being taken for a ride...

    Yup, we're all suckers based on those few words that are taken far too literally. We do not want the criminals or the spongers who refuse to adopt the ways of their new home. We want people who come to be true citizens, who make a go of it on their own and who can feel pride for their new homeland. Not moochers looking for a free ride. All the rest of the tired,poor and huddled can go home if all they expect is a free ride.

    .....shackle them together....

    absolutely.our immigration laws and policies are almost an embarrassment

    OMG, Im living in wrong country, think Ill pack my bags,    maybe even meet up for a drink one day, dad59. Joking.


    As long as it's Pepsi for me, your on.

    No prob dad59, its Light 7up for me.

    I saw that in an email that was making the rounds.

    I need a new place to live and the market is tight! Perhaps I should go to Australia........


    and you would be welcome Julie

    In the UK near where I live, 9 illegal  immigrants were caught in the back if a lorry, the police had to take them to the local port immigration office, there they were given £300 each and told to make their way to London and report in 14 days to an immigration office there. Do you think they turned up?

    Dont worry, after reading these posts, all the illegals will be going to Australia. They have it made there.

    Deleted User

    LOL they all make it, even if the boats sinking we save them ... can't turn them boats back they hardly go here anyway :)))

    I wonder how long your country can support all these illegals? You are going to end up broke like the US.
    Deleted User

    We have no idea either but the desert is empty ..

    If you come to Australia , they processs you give you $7000 to start a new life..



    What time does the next bus leave, um make that plane/boat and do they reimburse for the trip??? lol

    and an app for a commission house,free education and medical
    Deleted User

    Yup they get more than a person on a disability pension ....

    Just another reason I believe is small limited government.

    It is just the tip of the iceberg freezing the "regular" people of the USA to death.

    Well, I think everybody who doesn't like immigrant should move to Mexico, Cuba, El Salvador, Columbia......


    doo, I'm OK with immigration and people working for a "better life". What I don't like is the illegal immigration. Do it right. Every illegal who breaks into the "help" system corrupts the system more. Our whole welfare system is a mess and has been for years. FDR initiated a lot of programs during WWII that should have been rescinded; they weren't, and we've just kept adding to them ever since. The problem starts far beyond a guy sneaking across a border, though. Band aids don't stop massive bleeding.

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