Why should the flag of Mexico fly on this persons front yard without the flag of the United Sates of America
I see this as total disrespect for our country and disrespect for our country
10 Answers
According to the U.S. Flag Code, "No person shall display the flag of the United Nations or any other national or international flag equal, above, or in a position of superior prominence or honor to, or in place of, the flag of the United States at any place within the United States or any Territory or possession thereof:"
From the USA flag site:
"It is great that your neighbors want to show respect and pride for their country, however, equal respect should be shown to the American flag. If they wish to only fly their country’s flag, well then I suggest they return to their country. They must realize that they have made America their home, and therefore must submit to the country’s rules. It is fine if they do not want to show American pride, but they should not by all means show disrespect. Simply they either display both flags or no flag at all. If they do decide to display both flags, they should not fly on the same rod. Instead, both flags get their own rod, but must be approximately equal in size and flown at the same height. Flying one flag higher than the other is disrespectful to the other country, even if it is not our country. This is significant to show that America is at a time of peace with the other country. Please be sure to let neighbors realize that America is respectful of other countries, but citizens do have proper conduct to maintain."
12 years ago. Rating: 8 | |

De acuerdo con el Código de la Bandera EE.UU., "Ninguna persona podrá exhibir la bandera de las Naciones Unidas o cualquier otra bandera nacional o internacional, la igualdad, por encima de, o en una posición de prominencia superior o de honor, o en lugar de la bandera de las Naciones Unidas los Estados, en cualquier lugar dentro de los Estados Unidos o cualquiera de sus territorios o posesiones: "
Desde el sitio de EE.UU. bandera:
"Está muy bien que sus vecinos quieren mostrar respeto y orgullo por su país, sin embargo, el mismo respeto debe ser mostrado a la bandera americana. Si desean sólo enarbolar el pabellón de su país, bueno, entonces les sugiero que regresar a su país. Ellos debe darse cuenta de que han hecho de Estados Unidos su hogar, y por lo tanto, debe someterse a las reglas del país. está bien si no desea mostrar el orgullo de América, pero no deberían por todos la falta de respeto espectáculo medios. Simplemente que sea mostrar ambas banderas o no bandera a todos. Si deciden mostrar ambas banderas, no deben volar en la misma barra. en su lugar, ambas banderas obtener su propio vástago, sino que debe ser aproximadamente igual en tamaño y trasladado a la misma altura. Flying una bandera más alta que el otro es una falta de respeto al otro país, aunque no es nuestro país. Esto es importante para mostrar que Estados Unidos está en un momento de paz con el otro país. Por favor, asegúrese de informar a los vecinos se dan cuenta de que Estados Unidos es respetuoso de los demás países, pero los ciudadanos tienen una conducta apropiada de mantener. "
In my community, there is a lot of flag waving like that. Those are the people who enjoy all the benefits of living in the USA and yet won't embrace it as their home. I've commented on this before, as this question has been asked before.
There was a cinco de Mayo where non-Mexican students wore American flag t-shirts to school and were sent home. I guess it's only OK to wear the red, white, and blue on July 4th.
I knew a guy who grew up for a time on the Canary Islands, under the rule of Spain (?). He said the Army families flew American flags one July 4th; the police went to each house with a directive to remove the flag immediately....or else.
The fact that Americans allow such acts of disrespect perpetuates the problem, but our only recourse is "peaceful demonstration" or absurd legislation.
People should fly the flag of the country in which they live out of respect and gratefulness if they so choose. To fly a different flag, or to fly it above the flag of the country in which they reside, thoroughly disgusts me.
Digger's enthusiasm is an exception.
12 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
I am a proud Aussie, I guess if I lived in the US , I would have an Aussie flag out and not an American one.( because I;m not American)
This would not be disrespecting the US in my mind it would be showing my pride for my home country.
As long as they don't have a Nazi flag or something really offensive. Why not allow people to have pride to fly there flag? I use to fly my flag of NSW in WA .. Im a proud New South Wales person..
We embrace all the nationalities and cultures in our country , just because they fly another country flag does not mean they don't call Australia home ..
12 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
A flag is a symbol of someones national pride.
If you moved to another country would you automatically embrace there flag?

U.S. Flag Code, "No person shall display the flag of the United Nations or any other national or international flag equal, above, or in a position of superior prominence or honor to, or in place of, the flag of the United States at any place within the United States or any Territory or possession thereof"
Every new citizen agrees to this when they petition to become a US citizen.
No other people should fly their country's flag in another country unless it's an embassy.
I think they can go home and stay there.
Without getting into the whole migrant debate, I would expect people who have chosen to live in another country to integrate and show respect, however the guy next door has made his kids a pirate boat (he also takes them on doggy doo patrol each morning) he's very funny and I never know which flag he will be flying, sometimes a pirate flag, sometimes sport etc, I don't find this offensive,in fact it amuses me
12 years ago. Rating: 3 | |