21 Answers
Speaking as a Dad with a daughter I've never felt the need for a gun, a look normally did the trick, but being a Brit we have strict gun laws here but we still have the deranged minded people who like to use them, our Police don't carry them unless absolutely necessary,which I think is right.
12 years ago. Rating: 26 | |
I love guns and have had several. I like to pretend I'm Annie Oakley. My relatives all have guns and they hunt. Big on NRA, I guess I am, too.....
12 years ago. Rating: 21 | |
This is one of the big differences between the USA and the UK, we have never had guns in the UK and most of us don't feel the need to hold one. Farmers and people who go shooting for sport have them, they have to be locked away in a safe place and the police check every now and then .A few years ago a farmer shot a thief in the back and killed him he was charged with murder and did a prison term for it, not sure I agreed with him being charged for murder, as he was defending his property. There was a campaigne to get him released by the press which some of us agreed with.
12 years ago. Rating: 20 | |
I'm fine with the strict gun laws we have here in Aus, those that need them for a legitimate reason or are in a club etc, can have them with a license, for the most part no one bothers, it's not the norm to have one tucked away in a drawer at home, we do have an alarmingly high level of violence in some areas, but the police are here for a reason and I'd much rather them be armed than the disturbed, the violent spouse, teenage idiot etc. I am aware these laws have created a black market, and the people that really want them can and will get them, I however think it would have to be a nightmare to feel the necessity of owning one for my own protection.If that were the case I might consider relocating to somewhere less violent
12 years ago. Rating: 16 | |
Yes, I feel law-abiding citizens should continue to enjoy the privilege of owning a firearm.
The problems arise when NON-law-abiding citizens use guns to perpetrate their agenda upon others. How to prevent THAT from happening is the question.
Now, as a mad-for-guns-American, I'm going to go clean my arsenal. Now, where did I put that bb gun.
12 years ago. Rating: 15 | |
After the Port Arthur massacre we had a big compulsury gun buy back conducted by the Government.What a bloody joke! Only the people who wanted to get rid of the guns handed them in.A lot of the guns were so old & rusted they couldn't be fired. There are still plenty of guns out there for the crims.The rising number of shooting incidents in this country is evidence of that.Now if you are a decent law abiding citizen & you want a gun simply to protect your family there is no guarantee that you will get a license for it unless you are a farmer or have a very,very good reason for wanting it.I'm over guns myself.I've seen first hand what guns can do in the hands of trained & exoerienced people.The thought of owning one for the fun of it is not one of my priorities.However I think the gun laws in this country (Australia) need a re-think. And that's the longest answer I have ever posted so I'm gunna get off the box & shutup!
12 years ago. Rating: 15 | |
This is a particularly interesting discussion to me because my husband and I are going around and around in making the decision for or against buying a Glock.
I brought up the discussion about a year ago but we never did anything about it. We are a step closer now because my husband took the test for having a gun and passed it. The gun store was closed the day he went down to buy it. (Our luck) I will let you know what we decide,
12 years ago. Rating: 15 | |
Headless Man is speaking of taking a test to CARRY a gun.(A concealed weapons permit) I don't know what kind of test that is but I do believe it costs more money. Maybe Headless Man is around to answer you.
It wasn't too long ago that during Hurricane Katrina, the need for people to be allowed to arm themselves demonstrated itself quite clearly. Did anyone ever listen to the horror stories of some people who all of a sudden found themselves with no police, and maurauding crowds of desperate people taking over. People being raped and robbed, and people's homes being looted. Let me ask you...would you rather have a gun to defend yourself and your family if you were stuck in the middle of something like that? I sure as think I would!
12 years ago. Rating: 15 | |
Banning guns in the US will likely never happen. If you feel safe, you won’t get a gun unless you like them for any other reason. Choice is the issue with guns but a skilled person can be a lethal weapon without a gun. I have owned lots of guns over the years and there are a few around the house that may or may not be loaded and working. Generally guns are not loaded in the house but it is best to always handle a gun like it is loaded and ready to go off like a bomb. My preferred replacement for guns are bow&arrows and sling shots. I strongly avoid agitating people so I have never been in a circumstance that called for a gun. I have know several fellows who felt the need to pack a gun and most of them went to jail or the hospital or died. I don’t have to be right so I don’t pack a gun.
12 years ago. Rating: 13 | |
What i'm about to say now, contadicts every thing i have said so far, before the controversial buy back of guns, an incident in a suburb of Pt. Adelaide, an age old pensioner had trouble with idiots who had broke into his home twice while he was there to burgle his home and each time they roughed him up, but the third time he was ready, when one of them was coming through the window he blew him away with a shot gun he had bought for this very thing, oviously he was arrested for attempted murder, because of the public outrage as he was only trying to protect his life and property, he got a suspended sentance of justified homicide, the law has changrd since then to proctect the occupier being arrested for justified means.. -- this was a rare occurrence.
12 years ago. Rating: 8 | |