    Have you ever watched a bully in action?

    If so, what did you do?  

    +8  Views: 1990 Answers: 11 Posted: 11 years ago
    Tags: education

    11 Answers

    Yes...the ex...I called the coppers. The end.


    Ummm. Hmmmm. Good for you. The end.

    Sadly tho''s not..he attempted to psycho-bully me on the phone last week...said he was going to end it all...said it twice and hung up.
    So I sent the cops over to pay him a little visit and escort him to the hospital...on the way he found time to call from the back seat and scream how I'd misunderstood what he said (it sounded clear to me)...and who was going to give him a ride back home?? Narcissists...go figure.

    omg. I'm sorry. Somehow I didn't quite think it would be the end. He;s truly a psycho-bully. Did you tell his doctor what he did to you? Is there any way you can get in touch with the people at the hospital? Did YOU give him a ride, lindilou?
    He could be dangerous to himself (and others?)

    I have rare contact with him...11+ years divorced but like a bad rash...he just won't go away!
    I was absolutely concerned, so-o the cops gave him a ride! They gave a report to the docs. Funny, you pegged him as a danger to himself as he's accident prone now..?He goes fishing soon...sometimes it's just not soon enough!
    Dardaigh absolutely amazes me that you can come to this site and be so sweet and thoughtful and cheerful with all that horrible stuff going on in your own life. You are one incredible woman. ((Hugs))

    Thanks Dardaigh! Truth be known..I came to the site that day to get grounded and feel more in the world of the "sane", Thank you! :)

    NO ONE should be subjected to threats of suicide by another person. What a guilt trip he tries to send you on. I'm glad you don't get on that train.

    That train left the rails a long time ago now! Thanks Bob! You're right...he's ill.

    AGREE with Dardaigh!lindi`s far too sweet to endure such C**P!!:-¬(Hugs from me too)!

    I knew our X / soon to be X were related! I'm sorry he's still putting you through this.

    I (sadly) watched the Golden Gate film re: suicide and what was truly hard to take was that the main 'character' looked exactly like the the impact of the statements he made was very real and the things he said...traumatic! To think that this is what it amounted to?! Abuse from afar? Horrifying.
    This 'place' keeps me grounded...akaQA, thanks! ;)
    Deleted User

    This is why you are the person you are today, all that fear and having to rely on yourself makes you strong. Lindi even though it was a horrible time I bet it has taught you an appreciation for others also compassion.
    Isn't it a shame that horrible things can actually shape us, in good and bad ways.

    Everyone has a story thanks for sharing yours :) ..

    had the same experience, he tried to kill me after several suicide threats,ended up in a police cell
    Deleted User

    You are both very strong..

    lambshank and lindilou, your experiences were a long time ago. You OK now?

    PTSD is my reward....but I'm coping and doing well...just keep swimming...just keep

    Oh, ptsd, I know about that. I had a light case - a case I got over in five years.
    Inch by inch
    life’s a cinch.
    Yard by yard
    life is hard.

    I use to get bullied at school , Im glad we would get off the bus and that was it, today it carries on after school via text and the internet. Today I look a bullies not that I can do much I have a wheel chair and wonder what the is happening at home for them, I would never watch I would tell them to "Rack off" , they have some excellent programs now . They can give an understanding as to our differences and yet we are all the same. ...

    I was never a fight back person, but I watched others beat a bully up , looking back on it I don't know it it was justified or actually being as bad as them..


    ed shank

    We all needed a good a$$ beatin at some point in our lives.
    Deleted User

    Thats what fathers were for Ed lol :)
    "wait until your father gets home"..
    ed shank

    Mother never waited for my father. She beat your a$$ on the spot.

    A few times in grammar school, me being the victim. Pay backs was always a b***h. Retribution was not just left to God.


    I like Thoroughgood. I wrote a funny little book about the experiences of having Attention Deficit Disorder also know as ADD. It didn’t get published but I enjoyed writing it and putting it under my sweaters in the middle drawer of my dresser.

    My housemate though he would deny it and don't tell him I said so..............What do I do? Just wait for it to blow over............


    .....and I worry about you. :0

    I guess keep a record of the incidents if you aren't ready to kick him out, Julie. If things get too bad call 911. Sorry. You didn't give much information but your home must be like walking on egg shells.

    It is depending on his health at the time. Can't call 911 'cause. He's not a bad sort, truly.....

    You are a patient and understanding person, Julie but please keep your own safety in mind.

    It's been quite a while but yes back in grade school , I've been a good boy since...(just kidding)

    Broke his nose with my forehead, never bothered me again.

    Wonder why??



    Did you get a lump on your forehead? Hey, that's a great way to end bullies.
    Good for you. Bad for him. Hoooo Ray for KOTF

    No lump itsmee, hard Scottish head....LOL.

    I just couldn't see you with a unicorn horn.

    Wouldn't look good with the kilt!

    Wow, head-butting the opponent. I'm impressed. lol

    I do wonder what and would love to have you go into more detail!

    Is it a hard Scottish head or a hard headed Scottsman? I'm sure he needed his nose put back in place!!!

    Still bent out of shape,I wasn't the only one to let him have it.

    This was a few years ago, I take it? Not like last week or anything? ;) lol

    20 something years ago, the guy bugged me all the time, never since though!

    know that you're KOTF he best not start buggin' you again! He'll be eaten alive! BWWWWaahhh!

    I head-butted a guy once; bloody nose he very much deserved.

    Yes, I have watched and listened.  My sister is a verbal bully; she has few peers I had a "boyfriend" about five years ago. He was a verbal bully and unstable, so scary, too. The last time I had any interaction with him, he was at my mom's and raging at me. My middle son was there and said to him, "Please don't talk to my mom like that. She's had a hard day."  The guy got in my son's face and started hollering.  My son held his ground with politeness and patience I didn't know he had.  I felt like I was outside, looking through the window, watching myself cringe as though the words were blows. 
    The guy left and we heard a couple of thuds. He had put his foot into the back panel of my son's pickup. We called the police and made a report.  There is what I consider to be a happy ending to this event, but I'm sure many of you would be appalled, so we'll just leave it there.  :D


    Sounds Awful!:-¬

    I'm glad it was a happy ending (and I'm not so sure I'd be appalled)!

    doo: The fact that I more or less condoned what happened next.....

    Sounds like whatever happened next the thug deserved it!

    Without a doubt, it was poetic justice.

    Ahhh...Poetic Justice!!!!

    None better!

    Someday I'd like to hear the entire story!

    I'd be happy to email it to you. Give you a little different insight into how things used to be.

    You have my permission! One of the mods can give you my address.

    Kudos to a wonderful son for sticking up for his Mum is such an awesome fashion, PBK! :)

    All of my childhood bullies are dead. I didn’t  do anything to any of them. They all died mostly within a very few years of their bully-ing. I think some folk are here to test the waters of living here and have no need to live in human form very long. Since they may know how long they will be around they seem cocky, impulsive and short tempered. 

    My Ex- a long time ago. He is no longer among the living.

    Deleted User

    I would say that's a nice spoon of karma...

    In the 6th grade, Shirley was called a Cootie. She was the tallest girl in the class. She didn't wash her hair very often. Her socks slipped down the back of her brown oxfords. She wore a dress my mom had donated to the Salavation Army - Taffeta with blue and silver stripes. It looked worse after it was washed. Everybody called her Cootie. I took my turn at calling her Cooties after she beat me in that pole game where you slam the ball around. She hit me in the head. (Accidentally)

    "Cootie!" I shouted. My karma came to me within the hour. The playground kids gave me a bad time for saying just what they said. I didn't get away with it. I wish I could apologize to Shirley or something.  I learned a lesson that is with me to this day. 


    Itsmee--it was brave of you to tell your story and I'm sure that karma will let Shirley know in some way or another that you regret what you did as a child. :)

    itsmee, She prob didn't get much positive attention at home, and maybe they were poor.
    I too, called a girl names and made fun of her in the 10th grade b/c my g.friend was doing it. I'm ashamed of it now. But, I was bullied plenty too.

    I was constantly harassed and bullied at work, this also continued via phone calls at home from a senior manager at work, I documented every phone call, and conversations at work were put on speaker so I had witnesses, this continued for some months,I then put in a formal grievance, not the norm when you are fighting a senior government worker, to my astonishment I began to get emails from all over the state from other people that had suffered her bullying and incompetent management,I fought and thought I would truly lose my job, I won and she got the sack, last seen leaving the building under the escort of the federal police.



    Good on ya, Lambie! :)

    she got away with this for years in many areas all over the state,but I'm too old to care about stirring the pot a bit,we were all pleased to see the back of her

    Woohoo! Love it when a story such as this has a happy ending, girl! :)

    wow ! You came out ahead. That hardly ever happens. Usally the person being harrassed is given a trasfer,or fired.

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