    Is it going against god getting a body piercing besides your ears because my mom says so and i want my nose and belly buttom pierced?

    +1  Views: 1166 Answers: 15 Posted: 12 years ago

    Well I'm Christian and why

    WHY NOT???

    15 Answers

    It is a very good idea to respect your Mother's wishes while living under her roof.  If and when you get piercings remember that they will leave scars if you decide you don't like them any more. 

    I have piercings and can get away with it because I am an artist.  If you decide to become a professional ... lawyer, doctor, nurse, teacher... piercings may not be acceptable.  You must also consider where you live in the world.  I imagine that JH Harlen lives in a very conservative community where I do not.  A nose piercing is not unusual at all in my city ... not even slightly as the city I live in is very ethnic.

    Wait until you are an adult.  Wait until you have decided what to do with your life.  Always consider your Mother and her advice... she loves you more than life it's self.

    I can tell you that piercing your nose is extremely painful.  ... And, if you are going to get any piercing, make sure you have it done professionally. 


    I agree with all that you wrote, I'm just very, very tired.....

    I was thinking along the same lines as yourself...certain professions might frown upon the added jewelery.

    The percentage of creative people for whom the look fits is much smaller than the rest of the population, that's all, Fishlet.

    A very large percentage of women in my city have nose piercings. It is just how it is here... not strange at all.

    So true about the commonality of piercings here in the west...and so many youngsters too! Art. It's truly body art...the tattoos and the bangles...openness mind culture. Love it. Each to their own.I see the 'stigmas' disappearing at a rapid pace due to the advent of great artists, sanitary clinic-like studios and new colored inks and bling as well as a wide range of age-groups involved in this new artistic cultural display! Why shouldn't we make new traditions...changing them as we please over time? I think it's very cool when art is expressed...even using the body as a medium! ;)

    I don't know about God not liking piercings...he may be too busy to be giving it much thought but in a very short time you will tire of them and then you will always have the hole marks, though closed up, to look at for the rest of your life.Believe me when I tell you, you think it's of vital importance now to get this done but some day you will really come to regret it.


    When exactly does the day of regret happen? I am just puzzled by this as I am walking on the other side of the fence.

    The God of Israel sure didn't! Check out the link I found below! ;)

    not everyone regrets it...why should they??..just be old enough and mature enough to know what you are doing and don`t risk getting piercings done/tattoos etc without a recommendation that the establishment is clean..hygienic..and keep the areas clean..don`t risk infection!...PARENTAL GUIDANCE IF YOUNG!!

    Some religions state that the body is a temple, not to defile it. Depends on your religion. But don't do it, you'll be sorry in a few years, trust me..........


    I'm Christian and why

    Really? Curious.

    Jehovah's Witnesses don't allow it (like smoking). As to why not, you just change your mind given time and he/she sounds young.....

    That's why I think you shouldn't modify before you are an adult. I am not sorry for any of my piercings. That is just why I asked. It is different in this neck of the woods... tattoos are common and piercings are run of the mill.

    Oh my goodness. I hope things are OK.
    millie111 the Bible for instance ST.Paul said..."Do you not know that your body is the temple of the living God?..Do not defile it"!!!...But don`t we all/most just that...drink.smoke,over/under eat..not exercise,have casual sex,drugs,...the list is endless...(I mean not everyone does all these things but definitely some of them!how many people have piercings these days...millions..just be grown up enough to decide what is really right for you..and if a mimor get parental permission!

    Check out this response and follow the link>>>

    Are Tattoos and Body
    Piercings Unchristian?
    -by Tony Warren

    There was a time when markings on the skin were only made by the primitive and heathen tribes, or by sailors who had traveled to their countries and brought these customs back with them. Body piercings were traditionally done only by primitive tribes who didn't know the God of Israel. However, it is indeed a sign of the times that over the last few decades, body piercings and tattoos, which are reminiscent of the unregenerate pagan nations, have become very popular in Christian countries. So much so that today it is not uncommon to find that people professing to be Christian are either in support of, or defending the claim that there is nothing Biblically wrong with these practices. You can even search the internet and find so called 'Christian tattoo parlors' and 'Christian body Piercing studios.'



    OK so is it right or wrong

    To be honest? I do not know if right or wrong enter in. Your body...your be sure. :)

    However...while living with need to honor her commitment to you which is that she wants you to obey her excellent guidance! Wait until you are a bit older and in the meantime there's alot of fun faux (fake) jewelry and tattoos out there to have fun with...start there and see if these body decos are truly for you! Peace kid!

    As long as you live at home, you schould listen to your mother. Later on you can decide for yourself. I personaly dont like body piercings.

    I don't know about the god part but I think piercings are disgusting,  Reminiscent of tribes in Africa wearing bones in their noses, an uncivilized savage.  Mutilation a disgrace to your body, not to mention danger of infections possibly resulting in disfigurement.  When you are older and wiser you will look back and wonder why you felt the need to satisfy your friends and make the same mistake they did because you think its cool.  You will live most of your life as an adult-- Start acting like one and quit playing 'follow the leader'..


    what about tatoos???

    Well Vinny you wouldn't have much time for me. My piercings are in good taste and not a mistake at all.
    Take care of yourself! xo Fishlet

    I don't like tats either. A person's body is not a billboard. when a person gets older these tats lose their cool, not to mention they age with your body and look terrible. I have really nothing against 'cute' little butterflies on the ankle or something like that, I am referring to obnoxious paintings. Large tats that cover much of the body.

    Fish, its JMO, it doesn't change my opinion of a person, I just feel bad for them in later life or if they get an infection. My step-grandson had his lip pierced, it infected and he was in terrible pain, today he has a scar and a deformed lower lip. This is why i say these things.
    xxo you too.. :)

    With tattoos and piercings you must take care of them.

    Fish, believe me as you get older you will have lots of body parts you will need to take care of, no need to add to the turmoil. BTW, how do you keep a beautiful masterpiece tat turning into a worn out wrinkled blob of ink and skin?? Do you iron it? :) maybe every 5 years give it a shot of collagen?? LOL

    Everyone's body wrinkles and sags... I don't see what my tattoos have to do with any thing as they are all in places that can be easily hidden... My tattoos, my reasons for having them and my body for me and only me, to worry about... besides, when I die my children only have to look at my ankles to identify me... traumatic experience minimilized!

    Consider this- you go to a doctor or dentist for the first time. you see that he or she has a nose- ring and visible tattoos. What would your reaction be?

    In my opinion only animal that needs ring in nose, you get bacon, ham, sausage, etc. from... 


    I meant a stud

    Mother knows BEST!!!

    HAS YOUR WIFE/G/F GOT PIERCED EARS???...isnt she perretty!!!:-)..IE EARINGS OR NOT!!:-))

    No9her choice), No and definitely wouldn't be the NOSE!!!

    Maddley-  I think if you get a nose stud etc now you and your Mom will be at "war".  I am Christian and have never heard a sermon/mass about peircings being shunned by God (it isnt in the Bible).  That being said, your Mom may believe that it is against God.  I would re-read Fishlet's comment.


    But if it's not in the Bible is that bad

    If it isn't in the Bible then it means it is not a sin or against God. Of course, you could wear objects that are against God (pierced jewelry with the Devils face for example).

    I had my ears pierced when I was 11!...when my grandpa died...years ago obs...but  we were all given a tenner and I did it as my special tribute to remember him by...yes I was A KID AND WOULD NEVER FORGET HIM ANYWAY.....but it meant a lot to me at the time!!!:-)

    My sister and I pierced our ears in our mid-teens (old enough to drive a car, cuz we were in town without Mom).  She didn't speak to either of us for 3 days.  I now have 10 ear piercings and no one says anything. 
    I also pierced my belly button and it was a miserable experience the whole time. The "scar" is negligible.  I just looked and can't even see it.  
    My nose was pierced twice (the stud fell out in my sleep and I couldn't get it back in). I wore a small diamond stud; very tasteful, in my opinion.  I had to remove it at work a couple of years later.  I left it out for simplicity's sake. There is a small scar I see, but no one else gets that close anymore :(
    I consider myself a Christian.  NO ONE from my church, or any other I've attended, EVER called my piercings a blaspheme.
    Your mom doesn't want you piercing additional body parts.  Let it go until you are an adult. The advice Fishlet, Ann, and nomdeplume offered is excellent.  
    My suggestion:  Be upfront and RESPECTFUL with your mom.  Tell her you know God isn't going to banish you from Heaven if you pierce, but that you know SHE would be very disappointed.  Tell her you love her enough to wait until you are old enough to make the choice without her permission.  (Do this nicely)
    Who may change your mind by then.   

    Ewwwww. Don't get piercings anywhere except your ears. They could get infected and ooze pus. They could totally go out of style. They are so ugly.

    Do not ruin your beauty and do what your mom says. She has more life experience. 

    When you are much older you will be able to make the decision on your own. (But don't)

    Now lovely tattoos are a different thing. Pretty flowers ...   : X

    Your body is a temple of God. You'll piss him off if you blow holes in it.

    Headless Man

    lol ... Good one Ed....

    In my limited knowledge, I don't remember this in the ten commandments, my daughter had her nose and navel pierced, but she was an adult and took them out when the novelty wore off, listen to your mum and if you still want piercings when your older then go ahead, I personally have no objection to them but also would not allow my daughter to have them done when she was young

    If you are citing your Mom, then you are a child. Listen to your mother. You will be an adult at some future time and then you can do whatever you'd like at that point. Good Luck with your future endeavours.

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