    Does it look like I've been cheating?

    Sometimes when a question is asked I give several comments. I have heard this habit of mine is the wrong thing to do and is considered cheating by some.  I am not in competition for Karma points. I apologize to anyone I might have offended. Excuse please. 


    +6  Views: 2184 Answers: 9 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: akaqa

    Please remember that when I mentioned this to you, I did make special note that I did not believe you were doing it intentionally in order to cheat. I know you would not post new answers just to get karma. Using the comment this answer is the correct way to reply back to a person for two reasons, 1) they get an alert that you replied back to them and 2) the other readers know exactly who you are replying to.

    9 Answers

    Commenting is fine.  It is not considered cheating by anyone, as long as you use "Comment this answer".  Some consider it cheating, if you continue posting as another response, as that allows for more and more TU's.....commenting does not, so it appears more legitimate.



    I think I understand the problem. Let me know if I break the law of Karma. What a scary thing to do!!

    There is no problem. It's very simple to click on "Comment this answer".

    I like your replies, all of them and I vote them up. However, I do see the point of "cheating" being made. Nobody doubts your integrity but you should limit your answers to just one, though it's hard to do, I've been tempted to re-reply many times.......


    Thank you, Julie. I am answering you right here with this comment.
    It's ok to answer ROMOS? I'm confused. (Not unusual)

    I never said you were unusual itsmee,I also don't class you a "cheat", some people here do it deliberately and people see that as cheating.
    Personally I don't give a s**t about "Karma" here, only in life.

    "Commenting" is NOT cheating, you are doing it right. Thanks for the comment by the way. You're swell.....

    Some people see it that way itsmee, you say "comment" but you actually use the Add new answer box, if you have a comment to make to someone do it in the "comment this answer" section.

    It's easy, Honest!


    Thanks ROMOS. I am answering you right here in the box that says "Comment this answer" I am going to try to make the type of comment that's not appreciated by some. Just tell me if it's the right way to do the wrong thing.

    I am now typing in the box that can be considered cheating? My question here might be confusing.

    No, you're doing ok itsmee.

    itsmee...You gave me a TU for my response to your question. Did you really not understand what I wrote?

    Itsmee...we all make little errors such as this from time to time but there's no reason to sweat over it, sweetie. It's just a matter of looking for the "Comment this answer" option, as ROMOS has pointed out. I, too, found it a little confusing and intimidating at first but it just comes with practise and patience. :)

    As for myself, I don't think so. Sometimes if I really can't add anything of quality in response to a question, I do support other people's answer and do TU's, but I might only briefly comment. I mean, karma points are nice to accumulate, but I don't want to become so enslaved to the concept of gathering points that I lose my freedom to choose just for the sake of collecting them.

    If you or anyone else considers that cheating then why not start handing out speeding tickets at the Indy 500, seriously I enjoy the comments yours and every one elses, so chat away..


    By clicking "comment this answer" it helps to keep conversations together. There's no reason to post separate to a person when all you have to do is click "comment this answer" to reply back to that person. It's helpful to the readers to know who you are replying to also.

    NO NO . ITS MEE Well not me but "You GIRL!! With that nice smile "WHO can accuse you !! of "Cheating !!  "OH a QUESTION   ( are you ) Hee HA Ha. "SING IT HANK "YOU CHEATING HEART " To be honest you could never if you "Tried. I can speak for all the guys. 


    No one accused her of cheating.

    she accused herself which we all know is not true

    This question has a whole 'nuther meaning to the one I first took when I read it.

    Itsmee unfaithful????? Noooooo! Never!!!

    As for cheating for karma points.I don't think you can get them for comments only questions & answers.

    So...keep it up. I love your comments.You always give your practical point of view.

    Obviously, it was a matter of learning to use the "Comment this answer" feature, itsmee.  There are a lot of people who don't use it, yet, but people learn.  If it is a concern, people should read the answers before giving a TU; seeing it just a comment that has been misplaced should alert the member to rethink the TU button. 
    I recently added a second answer to a question. I prefaced it with notice that it was a second answer and didn't need to have it TU'd; some people read it and liked it enough to TU anyway.  

    itsmee! You are way too cute! Eye heart everything about you! Keep the answers rolling and the comments flowing baby!!!   ;)

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