- Master Celebes Rainbow
12 Answers
They've been asked and answered many millions of time since the dawn of time. Where have you been? Please pay attention in class!!!
12 years ago. Rating: 12 | |
To answer questions & teach our grandkids so they can answer questions & teach their grandkids so that they can answer.....................................................................................................................................................................................
12 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
To live life
12 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
p.s. send more duct tape on the next shuttle?? Pleeease? signed...Private Tweedledee
I think we are here to better ourself, as history show how we were once like animals killing each other and so on, now we become much more human by treating one with respect also giving each other help when needed, food,education,ext.. Well not all of us has evolve, in some case people haft to be put away in cage.I hope this help to understand why we are here,Love is all you needed, I might add coming to regonized our priority in worshiping God, and not men made thing or our possession.
12 years ago. Rating: 8 | |

Karma: 43940
O/K if i must,thanks for the deep meaningful answer,
5 hours ago. Rating: 2
Ducky says: Please use "Comment this answer" to continue conversation. Do not set up as a new answer. Thank you.
I am here because I am not over there...(my cat likes it much better when I am here). I am going to buy cat food, kitty litter, and a few cat toys..(my cat allows me to do this- as long as I buy his favorite food). It all means that my cat is an incredibly happy boy who is, by all birth rights, treated like the King he is!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, it IS all about the cat!!!! I hope this has helped! My cat believes you need to be educated by a cat of your own! Cats are highly intellectual beings!
12 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
What is "interlecial"?