    how do i make my cat like me?

    It growls and hisses whenever I go near it, and it tries to bite and scratch me. Its nice to me when it wants food though, when it wants food it purrs and lets me stroke it but as soon as its got its food it goes angry and mean again. how do I make it like me?

    +5  Views: 1818 Answers: 9 Posted: 12 years ago

    9 Answers

    Ignore him, give him space. Liking you will have to be his choice, not yours. Cats are funny that way. Give it time.......


    thank you I will try that.

    Animals are like people. They have their likes and dislikes in who they have to interact with. Your cat may just not like you. Just like some people in your world just may not like you. It happens. You can not make him like you just like you can not make a person like you if they are so inclined to dislike you. 

    Another thought, there may be an odor that your body gives off (chemical odor) that your cat reacts too. If you are on any kind of medication, you could be giving off an odor he can smell but you can not. It could even be perfume, deodorant or the soap you use that is triggering his bad behavior. 

    Cats can suffer signs of stress...our"Ferral" cat that was...has changed completely..we just let him do his own thing..but were always there when he wanted "Loving"..IT WAS ALMOST LIKE HE THOUGHT IT WAS UNCOOL to be LOVED...Now he sleeps on my head!(v.hygenic..i know)!!...But he loves his "Mummy"time!!!LOL:-)...also you can get plug in difusers..from vet...felliway is one I had that helps somehow calming their hormones..they do work...or some people believe lavender helps!!..Good`s worth the wait!!!:-)

    Don't pay attention to her.  Be indifferent.  She'll come to you when you're not too interested.



    Chiangmai-does that poor cat have only one ear? lol

    Perhaps. Came home late one night and his wife probably bit it off.

    Julie and Millie are so right.

    Cats are such independent beings that you can't make them do anything, including returning affection.

    One thing my cat absolutely loved was being brushed, so maybe you can slowly introduce your feline to spending time with you this way.

    You didn't mention if it's male or female or the kitty's name but I wish you all the luck in the world forming a bond because it's so worth it. :)

    Very much like my 9months old doggie,


    How's that going, by the way?

    not to well Bob,hes over ten months now,

    Tie a fish around your neck !


    That'll do it man!!! hahaha!

    A variation of the old pork chop trick! LOL!

    I don't give cats a chance to not like me, I don't like them first. They can't deal with that.

    Take a can of spray adhesive and about half a pound of catnip and cover all visible areas on yourself. Your cat will just love you!


    lmao! ;D

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