11 Answers
If they're unidentified, how would anyone know for certain?
11 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
addendum; guess I shouldn't have placed that comment, b/c Itsmee had just said it so well.Tried to delete it, but it wouldn't delete.
Warm summer morning - 3:30 AM. I lounged in our yard chair looking up at the sky. In the sky I saw a bright blue oval. It moved slowly as it crossed the sky. It looked a little like a flying Easter egg. I have no idea of the size. I watched it for about 20 seconds and had never seen anything like it. I called the air port, the newspaper, the police ... others. Nobody else had seen it. It was an UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECT. I will never forget it in my life.
11 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
I remember HGWells radio show where the Martins landed. Folks drove around yelling out their car windows that the Martins were landing and that we should get or guns…to prepare for invasion. Folk were hysterical angry and crying and preying that this horrible event was happening. Folks were up all hours of the night scared out of all sensibilities. That the story was written by HGWells was unknown by many until folks sobered up to the facts laid out repeatedly over the radio. Even then and ever after stories of Government treachery, aliens, alien artifacts came and went….conspiracy theorists continued to seek-out every glimmering oddity and secret oddity.
11 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
After 911, people were terrified. I spent days in chat rooms that were supposedly monitored by the government. (I used my best keyboarding skills.) I walked the embarcadero in Moro Bay that night and looked in the eyes of other people who were walking. Their eyes looked burned out or something. I can't explain it. You know, I'm sure. We lived by a nuclear plant called Diablo. Scared? Oh, you bet!
Logic says yes but realist say no. based on travel time it would take a lifetime to visit the nearest planet, but this is based on traveling speed of light 186k mps - Doesn't make sense to us. We deal maximum velocity and it doesn't compute in our minds at this time. perhaps a wormhole but none of this is proven.
I have a theory too that says what we see as UFO's are actually us in the future, a carnival ride so to speak. take people back in time. I do believe that time travel backwards is a posibility as time images are nothing but scrambled light. A form of reverse time travel is a video recording, it captures light and stores it.
On the UFO's again, why would any alien even want to come here given the undefinable numbers of galaxies, planets that are out there, we are a grain of sand on the beach. Insignificant. Not to mention, dangerious.
11 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
Of course they are real...how do you think the "aliens" got here to begin with?! You may (or may not have noticed) them all around...For a very, very long time. I could refer to ancient history, even Biblical stuff...however, whatever one believes to be true will always be their own truth...too bad, too, becauase they ARE among us...in every walk of life.
11 years ago. Rating: 3 | |