    what is consumer health

    0  Views: 562 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    Consumer health is a state of well-being enjoyed by people who buy products and use services that research deems safe. Most governments try to protect consumer health by offering disease prevention information and warnings about products and services that pose a risk to public health. Consumer health represents more than freedom from disease; it protects physical, social, and mental wellness and aims to prevent illness.

    Governmental health agencies typically offer advice to promote a healthy population. They provide information about disease prevention and the latest research available. These agencies commonly employ researchers and scientists, and work with universities and laboratories to discover modern methods of prolonging life expectancy and improving overall health.

    One major function of these agencies ensures that health information is readily available to the public. They typically communicate with health professionals, educators, scientists, and the public to make health and safety news widely available. Consumer health organizations use the media, the Internet, and newsletters to raise awareness on important health topics and educate the public about preventative medicine.

    Efforts to protect the public also center on food, drug, and product safety. Consumer health information might warn the public about tainted food or drugs, and provide a method of filing a complaint against a product or service. Information is typically available on everything from products that emit radiation to dietary supplements and cosmetics

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