    wherecan i get a instructionsbookon how 2 understand a woman please

    im rob          if you know of a book or can help please doty robert

    0  Views: 830 Answers: 10 Posted: 12 years ago

    10 Answers

    LOL!...WE DON`T COME WITH INSTRUCTIONS!!!!...we just give them!!!:-)


    You can say that again !!

    You can say that again !!


    She CAN say that again because she's RIGHT! Are you listening, dowsa???

    LOL!Ducky..I said it TWICE ??(IN ERROR)??!!;-))..So he SHOULD have got the message!;))...but Dowsa..I`LL PERSONALLY BUY YOU A COPY OF THE BOOK if it helps!!!:-))LOL!....Oh NO...HE said it twice..not me)!!;-)

    Millie. Whats that your "drinking With DUCKY.Its got you both "QUACKERS"

    YES DUCKY. Iam a good at "listening" ask my "Wife !!

    "" Only in fairytales. But, you could read the book 'Men are from Mars and Women are from venus' it may help you.

    The name of the book is....."Yes Dear You're Right"......available at local book stores.

    Better still .Get one on how to avoid "Woman !! But If you insist "Marry one after ten minutes you will know everything there is to know .They are quick thinkers and "talkers !! DOES THAT HELP !!


    YES!! definitely helps US!!:-)...But think re it..Why DO WE HAVE TO THINK AND TALK FAST??!(NOT for NO VALID REASON)!!:-)

    I once saw in a bookshop a book entitled 'Everything men know about women', 'The all-time best - seller now available in paperback' I opened it annd found the page was blank, then saw every page was blank. Don't try to understand them , just keep out of their way as much as possible.


    Yeah..that`d be a good often tend to hover over us!...arrgghh...we need our space!:-)

    When you can figure women out and write a book, then you'll become President, because you'll have the capabilities to solve our problems.

    millie111 wouldn`t last 10 mins without us...and you know it!!;-)

    But trying to figure out the riddle/puzzle is what makes life easy and hard, but enjoyable at least most of time. But a REMOTE would be GRAND!!! LOL

    Camp out before the stores open.They sell out early.


    "Understanding" women didn't help these two: Guy is walking down the street and encounters a funeral procession with 2 hearses and 100 men walking behind. Says to another spectator."Wow, this is some procession. What happened?" Well, in the 1st hearse is Joe's wife. They had a German Shepherd and had a fight. The dog, being partial to Joe, took a bite out of her jugular and she bled to death." "That's just terrible." "But it gets worse. In the 2nd hearse is Joe's wife's mother." "What happened to her?" Again, the dog was partial to Joe. At the same fight, the dog ripped into her mid-section, chewed up her spleen and liver. Never heard anything like it." "Can I ask you a question?" "Certainly.' "Where can I get a dog like this?" "Get to the back of the line!"

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    hi, what i found be a very interesting as well as useful is, Guy gets girl.

    It not only talks about women, it also tells yourself, what you need to do and

    How To Approach Any Woman, Anywhere And Know Exactly What To Say To Get Her To Give You Her Number And Go On A Date With You - NOW".


    Just communicate & be real... We aren't that much of a mystery if you'd just listen & pay attention...

    its easy just listen women dont hide there feelings like men we enjoy being told  u love us show us little bits of romance now and then we are not just mere eye candy we want to feel needed loved do little things to let her know that u love her and still care... text her love notes buy her little silly gifts of her favorite things ....... sometimes we need u to remind us how truely special we are

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