    How do I set up a new home and take care of my new betta fish?

    0  Views: 560 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    Set your new Betta or Siamese Fighting Fish up with a clean, soap free bowl by using room temperature water (I de-chlorinate the water first.  I have heard two theories on this... One being that you don't have to as they have labarynth lung breathing systems and not gills so de-chlorination is not required and the other being, It is better to de-chlorinate as the chlorine can burn the fins of the fish.  I err on the side of caution.

    I always put a plant in the bowl and a little gravel or marbles on the bottom.  The plant can or can not be real depending on the substrate.  I use a seeded gravel which keeps the plant healthy.

    Change the water once a week.  It takes 9 days for the amonia to begin to build with the absence of positive flora.  Changing the water once a week is the healthiest way to go in the home environment.  I have two bowls, always making sure the new water is at room temperature before transferring the fish.  Make sure you have a small net.

    In a store situation we changed water every second day.

    The last and most important thing to remember is that the fish's eyes and stomach are exactly the same size.  Don't over feed your fish. 

    Good Luck... these little guys live about three years and are approx. 6 months old when they arrive in the store.


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