    I am married and my wife left me. She does not have a key to the house. If she breaks in can i call the cops for breaking an entery?

    +1  Views: 1613 Answers: 10 Posted: 12 years ago

    Another thing, if she is listed as an owner, you can not deny her access or change the locks to keep her out. File for divorce and claim the house as yours.

    10 Answers

    If her name is on the house title then she has legal access to the premises.  

    Sadly, no. She still possesses the right for entry. Get a legal separation. Hire a lawyer. Protect what is yours......

    she is still married to you so, NO!

    Why did your wife not have a key to the house? Was she a captive?


    Well Colleen, you know captives happen! Is that you? Locked to your computer? I always picture you as blond haired and fair of skin! But hopefully this take on it -is just something fun!

    Not me. I would not be caught dead in a dress!

    Gay men wear pants. Cross dressers, who are mainly straight men wear dresses.

    Unless there's a restraining order you can't keep her out.

    What makes you think that she would be involved in a "break and enter" to HER own home?  Where is HER key to HER home?  Do you still have HER personal belongings?  Has she already taken HER share of the furnishings?

    Since she doesn't have her own key, give her yours!  Then you won't have to worry about calling the cops!

    Married or not , if you have bought the house whilst living together more than 12 months, the other half legally owns half of every thing including the house so she would not be committing an offence breaking in.  ( under Australan law )

    If she is on the Title to the home it is still 1/2 hers- and she is allowed in at any time.  If you have changed the locks she can get a locksmith or break a window (you can not break and enter into your own home).  Why, by the way, did she leave?

    Good luck with the retraining order- since she has already left.


    my ex was not on my title, however sued me down the track claiming to be a hopeless alcoholic (true)he had never worked and I supported him, he had a police record but won the case, I had to compensate him for being a bum!

    I left my ex husband and a violent situation until I could sort things out, I needed access to (my) house one day, found he had changed the locks! bingo, called police, which he then assaulted (loved it) charged for denying me access to my own property as well as the assault,


    Control, control, control. Glad it's in your past.

    He was a real charmer-huh. My spouse is a real charmer too!-and the divorce process drags on for me too.

    Doo,I feel for you,things can get very messy,good luck

    If she moved out, change the locks, get a restraining order, and file for divorce.  THEN it shouldn't be up for debate.  

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