I always say (exactly the same each time), "I'm fine thanks. How are you?".
I worked retail for many years and most people answer in a positive manner... It was always a bit of a shock when someone answered, "Just crappy." or "My head hurts." or "I have cancer." or "I am sick because of the chem trails." ... These types of answers definitely change the direction of the usual conversation.
11 Answers
I do the same thing! No one really gives a crap how you are! I have asked the same thing and I also get the sad answers! But with those folks I usually try to talk to a bit. They just want to know someone cares!
12 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
I'll lie and say "just fine" and thank the person for asking, something I picked up from a stranger.....
12 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
I start to sing, but my voice is so bad, that by the time I "answer", whoever asked it is long gone. http://youtu.be/kvECozWfZR4
12 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
Karma: 439310
You see, I didn't expect that and now I have a country song stuck in my head!... and now I hope that Colleen sees this and moves it to the response area for Clonge.... :D
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I walk my dog twice a day and usually meet a number of people. I always say hello, and usually follow it up with a "how's it going today" or the like. Most respond in kind, and i feel it's just an attempt to be friendly. I'm also outside with the pooch mornings when the teens are walking to school. They often try not to make eye contact, but my greeting usually gets them to respond. It really has nothing to do with "not really caring how someone is", but just trying to be friendly.
12 years ago. Rating: 7 | |