    My basement is big and has lots of rooms there is a tornado watch what do i do?

    I saw the weather and i am scared there are rooms in my basement and there is lots of space what do i do they said that there is a tornado watch i looked at the sky and i see lots of clouds in one spot building up what do i do once the tornado starts to move? I have seen all the other questions and answers but that does not seem right please help its raining i get it but i need to know what to do?please help!!!

    0  Views: 835 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    I'm sure your parents will take charge. You should never be on the computer when there's a tornado watch in effect.

    3 Answers

    If you have time, get the people and things you most value to the basement.  If you have friends and neighbors who don't have basements, invite them to come for safety. 
    A tornado watch means a tornado is on its way.  Whether or not it hits your vicinity is uncertain, but the point is to take cover.  Your basement is the safest place to be, because it is underground and the tornado is above ground. 

    Go to your Basement !! its under ground .you will be safe "Oh help others as well .safe keeping.

    move into your basement and invite neighbours that do not have one

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