I think those of us on akaqa just think more. Answers and Questions swirl in our minds. We say ... just one more questions ... or we say just one more answers. At that, we are off to the mind races. Maybe we can be happy that we don’t have dull brains.
16 Answers
Give me a complete minute by minute journal of your day incuding all your thoughts and I'll tell you WHY.
12 years ago. Rating: 17 | |
Your great brain is keeping you awake. Turn off the computer at night, drink herbal teas, turn down lights, and tell yourself to sleep. Sounds simple? I personally take pills.............
12 years ago. Rating: 15 | |
My great brain, eh? I think pills is the best answer. My great brain told me and so did you. : )
I just saw this question and instantly knew it was you, itsmee. So wish there was a cure for insomnia, as I get it often, too. You are married, so, respectfully, I suggest you and your hubby engage in some sex when you hit the sheets and see if that helps. I won't get any more personal than that.
12 years ago. Rating: 12 | |
my problem is i go off to sleep almost at once but am wide awake at 3.30am .then i finally go off again and feel like crap when it`s time to get up for work.still cant find a cure,good luck.
12 years ago. Rating: 12 | |
Lately, I’ve been going to sleep at 4:30AM and suffering terribly during the day.
WELCOME TO INSOMNIACS ANON EXCLUSIVE CLUB!!..(ONLY IT`S NOT SO EXCLUSIVE)!:-¬I`M YET TO FIND A CURE! (IT SUCKS I know..especially hate the hours between 4am and 7am when the day starts for me but the lack of energy is painful)!!!;->Not even sleeping meds (Prescribed ),work for me..and highly addictive anyway)!:-¬
12 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
Yeah me too Itsmee.I seem to sleep about one night out of three.Late night TV is really starting to bore me.I think I'll come down to the office & get on AKA in future.At least all of you Yanks will be awake at the same time,maybe we can chat.LOL
12 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
Tommy, Bob, and me would have a wild night in a chat room. (Others too ... You know who you are. : )) )
There are several natural remedies. 1) 1tabelspoon of natural honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon in 8 oz. of very warm water. Taken 1 hour before bedtime.
2)Magnesium citrate- 2-3 capsules before bedtime.
3)1 tabelspon of natural Apple cider vinegar with 1/2 teaspoon natural Vitamin C in granular form, in 4 oz. of warm water before bedtime.
You have to give it at least one week to see results.
Also a good way to fall asleep is exercise regularly, at least 4 times a week.
12 years ago. Rating: 8 | |