    please cearify this for me. when I retired I took the full payment to cover my wife if i should die before her.Here is my questipn. if i die before she should get about $1750 per month.her money does she still get all of my monthly paymentsplus she monthly payments if so can i lower my payment to a lower percentage?my e-mail is thank you edward bechtel

    0  Views: 980 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

    colleen, you have MISSED the question again... this is not about S>S> ben> this is about my cers tetirement pay that i get every monthmy allotment is 2600 dollars a month. my wife is 1750 per month. i selected an allotment that would give her 100% of my allotment. question is does she get both allots or just one? right now i pay $500 per month for this allotment. can i lower thi percentage ? (80%)or is there a number that i can call to find this out" again thank for your help Edward bechtel

    2 Answers

    She will get your social security minus the portion that was for your living. She will get the choice between her social security or yours. Which ever one is the largest pay. She will not be able to collect on both. 

    this was not my question. when i retired i selected to take 100% of my pay to her if i die before of right now she should get her allotment of $1750 per month.Question is does she still get her allotment plus my full allotment?i am paying $500 a month for this allotment.if she collects both allotments. can i adjust the percentage to an lower rate?(80%)and how is this done. thank you edward bechtel

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